Kelpie said:
Just came back from the library, where I picked up The Hour of the Dragon. According to the foreword, this is the original version, prepared from photocopies of the Weird Tales serial.
Certailny sounds promising BUT check out the below info provided to Alia from a previuos query. Kelpie, who is the publisher of this book and exact title? Sounds like possibly the Millenuim edition unless someone has literaly scanned pages from weird tales...
The Hour of the Dragon (novel) was a 5 part series in Weird Tales magazine as folows: December 1935 & January, February, March, April 1936 editions.
**Previuos Info**
"As far as accuracy or having the "original" version of REH's Conan tales being presented to you goes, the “original” or most authentic versions based on REH’s original writings have been printed by Wandering Star publications in Hardback Editions and in Trade PB by Ballantine Books. These are the ones I have in my possession.
It sounds like from the titles you’ve given me that you have the Millennium Fantasy Masterwork editions of the collected Conan tales Vol I and II??
Assuming you do they’re also pretty good editions BUT there’s, it would appear, some REH WT stories that are not alledgedly perhaps as original or authnetic as they could be albeit they come pretty close! Also the first editions of these had quite a number of typographical errors, although they’ve apparently been addressed. I’d be interested in your feedback once you’ve read them in terms of any remaining typos?
Below is a link coutesy of “The Barbarian Keep” that will provide you with a detailed explanation of the Weird Tales stories and where the “orignal” versions may be found. Needless to say Wandering Star, Balantine and Millenium feature heavily here as they’re the best sources of “original” REH material I know of excepting I guess the orignal Weird Tales magazine publications and REH’s orginal writings.
Hope this answers your question!
** End Info**
Will sign back in tommrow