favourite character types


(spoiler follows)

.....that seems to be part of what Brian is describing. Continuing with the Earthsea example, Ged spends half the book fearing the shadow that pursues him, then much of the rest chasing it but fearing it at the same time, and had this flaw continued, it would have laid waste to what Ged was trying to achieve (namely, to be free to chart his own destiny).

A rather spare and generalized recounting of the story, but don't want to be too descriptive against the off-chance that you've (and others reading this post) not read it and might want to do so at some point....
Difficult to answer, as a well constructed hero can be a person that doesn't necessarily have traits you would normally associate with, but still manages to overcome adversity and wins your admiration and respect.

There are many female heroines but one that rises to the top of my list is Delenn from B5. She had some funny moments, kick ass moments, many compassionate moments but for me she always seemed such a lady.

A particular male hero is harder for me to name, but I do like the characters who show a great deal of integrity, loyalty and honour; maybe the Knights to my Lady heroines?
I like the kind of hero thats a little bit bad,a bit naughty yet garners sympathy. Kind of like Slippery Jim de Griz from Harry Harrison's Stainless Steel Rat books. Also the character type in Bester's Tiger Tiger. Roguish is a good way of describing him
I like the kind of hero thats a little bit bad,a bit naughty yet garners sympathy. Kind of like Slippery Jim de Griz from Harry Harrison's Stainless Steel Rat books. Also the character type in Bester's Tiger Tiger. Roguish is a good way of describing him

Yeah, rogues rock.
I like ambivalent types, i.e. heroes with a dark side and villains with a spark of good in them (Boromir, Gollum, Darth Vader). Oh, and the lovable rogues like Han Solo. My favorite females are strong and realistically portrayed, although not perfect.
If you shoot first you generally don't have to ask questions later (and generally can't). I'd second Mal Reynolds, who will put you down if the situation requires it...
I can name my favorite Fantasy Character. He is the average person who exerts amazing strength and courage. That I see best in the Tolkien character Sam Gamgee from the Epic Fantasy Lord of the Rings.
I'm inclined to say any character so long as they're well-rounded and well-written. That said, I've not read much that's been convincing about either knights or rogues: I'm always quite impressed when someone takes an old archetype and, without just inverting the trope, makes them seem realistic.

The character types I just can't get are the ones I'm supposed to love despite them being either tedious or arrogant. As a (straight) bloke, I simply can't comprehend the "He's arrogant but/so I love him" figures in some romances. Mr Darcy seems boring and priggish to me, and most of those deep-but-troubled vampire types just read like pseuds. I guess I'm simply not the intended audience.
My favorite character types? Just about any that's well developed, like said above.

But personally, I far prefer the mysterious, withdrawn characters that only slowly reveal themselves throughout a story, but once revealed, are found to be extremely deep and human.
I like magnificent bastards, they're like chessmasters but aren't afraid to get their hands dirty to pull off their schemes. Of course, if said scheme relies on a million different variables to be pulled off, then we have a case of what tvtropes calls Xanatos Roulette. I also have a thing for the evil overlord in full-plate armor that conceals every inch of his body.

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