Young Adult Fiction

Received in the mail: Masefield's Box of Delights, which unfortunately turns out to be the same abridged version I read years ago. Grumble. Even abridged it's an excellent book, but I was hoping to finally get my hands on the original without putting out the money to buy some ghastly expensive older edition from England. The problem with ordering books on line: you can never be sure what you're getting. And why abridge a book that was written for children in the first place?!? Feeling quite put out about this.

On a happier note, also received in the mail, A Dark Horn Blowing by Dahlov Ipcar, who I've suddenly remembered wrote one of my favorite YA retellings of the Tam-Lin story, The Queen of Spells. This one also looks to be inspired by old ballads.
I'd like to expand this thread a little and ask for recommendations for YA's that would probably be thought of as Teens fantasy fiction :D

So far I've found -

Lian Hearn
Alison Croggon
Jonathan Stroud
Mark Robson

I feel these author fall into this category. They are mature enough for adults to find the books entertaining and interesting :D

I'm finding I like a slightly lighter read inbetween my heavier going fantasy reads and these YA sections seems to do the trick. They are fun, interesting and engaging :)

Trouble is I'm not widely read in this area and need some recommendations, please :D
Has Princess Bride by William Goldman been mentioned? Also Watership Down by Richard Adams. I also think The Magic Of Recluse by L E Modseitt Jr would be excellent reading for teens or young adults.
Can anyone tell me anything about the following list of authors :) How mature are their stories?

Brian Jacques

Susan Cooper

Diana Wynne Jones

Alan Garner

Catherine Fisher

Debi Gliori
rune said:
Can anyone tell me anything about the following list of authors :) How mature are their stories?

Diana Wynne Jones

The only one I know. Have read her "Dark lord of Derkholm" - starts as a humoristic story about dark-fantasy and tourists later becomes more of a epic fantasy.

For what age ? Not for children, a bit too childish for my taste. Maybe the right age group for this thread.

I'm really not sure if Linda Chapman's books are aimed at YA or Children. :(

I brought the twins, now almost 9 years old, books for Christmas.

My Secret Unicorn Book by Linda Chapman. There is a series of these, and as the girls have already finished reading their first books, looks as if I shall need to get more for their birthdays!

Hopefully, I will be able to read them as well... :)
We have the Perth Writers Festival this month. I'm hoping that I can get to one of the programs.

One of the authors is Kate Forsyth, who writes for YA and early readers. She also writes poetry and general fiction under the name of Kate Humphrey.

The Butterfly of Amber is the final in her Chain of Charms series. I'm going to check this series out and see if it's suitable for my girls (and me)! :D

Kate is also doing a talk about the world of fantasy fiction, from the first idea of a story to finding a publisher.

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