Flow My Tears the Policeman Said Spoilers
Just finished
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said and right now I'm thinking it's just ahead of Ubik and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep for me but there's no clear favourite, all three of them have their share of great ideas/scenes. I think having read a few of his books now, the addition of the sixes made a big difference with this one, I loved how Taverner wastes so little time in self doubt and just keeps moving forward.
With so much of PK Dick's work exploring how character's experience, or relate to, reality it's those little touches that help keep each one interesting. Great characters and storyline the only thing I didn't really buy was the drug itself and
Time Out of Joint was kind of along the same lines. They're amazing stories in how the characters react to different conditions but how those conditions get put in place maybe isn't the focus and so there can be a fairly brief attempt to justify them. Where as
Maze of Death which did have a great explanation is otherwise not one of his best works by a long way (imo).
Maybe KR-3 is more central to the story or maybe I've just been reading too much PK Dick lately, if anything will make you over think things...

. A final comment on Flow my Tears and I really liked how he tidied everything up in the epilogue, those type of endings can be a bit hit and miss for me but I loved how two of the main characters in Taverner and Hart only get a passing mention, less in fact then several 'props' from the story, I don't know why but it seemed fitting.