November's Photo Challenge

My first entry:


Many matches gave their life in the construction of this picture...

...the first few entirely my fault, as I was writing the damn' number backwards...
Requires some deep and profound thoughts...;)


  • 14638_180056001967_661791967_3391961_1058572_n.jpg
    89 KB · Views: 256
Oh, Leisha, nice

The lines, and colours, and the squareness. Woah. Appeals to my inner geologist. Pretties...
When I first saw this month's challenge, an old Scottish song came to mind:
Three Craws (sat upon a wa')

Unfortunately, I couldn't find three craws willing to pose for me. Like the fourth craw - they werenae there at a' :D

I haven't heard that song since I was a kid! :D

Some great pictures. Taly's thrupenny bits are cool, Hoopy's '3' is on fire (see what I did there?), and Lady W's Mammilaria is lookin' good! (Am I allowed to say that?! :eek::p)

I always love ducks. And I love what Leish has done with the bismuth. Bismuth is awesome stuff.

I liked Zaelyel's puzzle, too. Took me a minute, but I got there in the end.......

Hoping to see plenty more entries over the final week! :)
Thanks, you two!

When I was reading up on bismuth before I chose the photo, I discovered it's trivalent. Couldn't have picked a better subject! :)

Anyway, my last entry:

Whoa! Wy, I can't believe it! Are you my twin??? :eek:

I asked my dad if he thought the shot was worth entering, and you know what he said? "It's almost impossible to get three bees together like that. You should enter it."


Should've gone with my other favourite, the doors one. :p
Its funny Leish, I was taking photos yesterday morning before we headed home, and saw the 3 bees and thought "Whoa 3 bees, you dont often see that, it would be great for the challenge" :p

If only I could have got 3 fish in a tree that would have been great!
Nice framing, though. Nice building. And good to see a pic from you.

Where is that?
I thought it was in Brisbane - the Qld coat of arms was a bit of clue, but I thought it could have been a government building because of the other coats of arms.

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