The author or the genre?

All such discussion, aside, JD, I think we each know what is likely to offend, disgust, or otherwise spoil the day for ourselves. When people say they don't want to read pornography, they know what they mean, just as when they say they don't want to read bodice-rippers, they also know what they mean.

Granted. My point was that, between two different people, what is or isn't "pornography" is likely to be vastly different; hence the examples above. What is pornography to this or that person? Knowing that helps to understand what sort of books they are referring to when they say they wouldn't read them; whereas not knowing leaves it a fairly wide-open question when it is anything dealing with sexual matters.

There is also the point that, if a person reviews what they themselves view as pornography, they may realize they haven't really a clear idea themselves, and that many things they might not have looked at before because it has been labeled such by others, might be worth reconsidering. Contrarily, they may find that things they themselves find very good works are so classed by others. After all, the list of works which have been labled "pornography" at some point is really quite extensive: Jurgen, Finnegan's Wake, Ulysses, nearly everything by William S. Burroughs, some of Faulkner... all the way to things like Peyton Place and, of course, Fanny Hill. I am simply raising the point for a better understanding of what others mean when they use the word; clarification of terms. Hence my inclusion of my own definition....
By Rodders
I won't even get any Fantasy be Stephen King.

Ohmigod, Rodders!!! You can't miss out the Dark Tower Series, surely??? An unbelievable journey, and the only ending that made me speechless for a few seconds. It was the best ending of any book, anywhere, anytime - just unbelievable...

But if you don't like it, you don't like it, I s'pose...

ps: Blimey JD! Over 10,000 posts! Great going.
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ps: Blimey JD! Over 10,000 posts! Great going.

LOL! (Honestly, though, I don't see what the thing is about post count, myself. I'm just engaging in conversation with people. Though, if you come to think of it, given the number of posts I've put in in various portions of the Chrons that "don't count" -- such as the Lounge -- then my count would probably be considerably more than that....:p)
Jeez, gods know how many posts I have in the lounge...

And Boneman, with a post like that, why have I not seen you around the King section more? Get thee to the King forum and rant about The Dark Tower, I says!

I am a genre spanner (thanks, Mighty Boosh), so I dabble all over the place -- although science fiction and fantasy usually are in first place. But at the same time I have a handful of authors that I love especially and will read anything by them. If Stephen King printed his shopping lists, I'd probably read them.
Is JD the first to break 10K? Close to 900 meself, toddler Chronian that I am...

Definitely author for me. That will carry me across genre. Good writing, and good story, are all that matters.
Granted. My point was that, between two different people, what is or isn't "pornography" is likely to be vastly different; hence the examples above. What is pornography to this or that person? Knowing that helps to understand what sort of books they are referring to when they say they wouldn't read them; whereas not knowing leaves it a fairly wide-open question when it is anything dealing with sexual matters.

There is also the point that, if a person reviews what they themselves view as pornography, they may realize they haven't really a clear idea themselves, and that many things they might not have looked at before because it has been labeled such by others, might be worth reconsidering. Contrarily, they may find that things they themselves find very good works are so classed by others. After all, the list of works which have been labled "pornography" at some point is really quite extensive: Jurgen, Finnegan's Wake, Ulysses, nearly everything by William S. Burroughs, some of Faulkner... all the way to things like Peyton Place and, of course, Fanny Hill. I am simply raising the point for a better understanding of what others mean when they use the word; clarification of terms. Hence my inclusion of my own definition....

Of course its not a book that deals with anything sexual cause then that would rule out of many other genre books you have read. I have read books that had explicit sex scenes and thought they were well done. Usually in 60s Noir, more adult books like Altered Carbon by Morgan.

I'm not a prude or something i just don't have interest in book versions of porn,erotica,books that only deal with sex. Just like i wont read a romance novel.

Actual I'm more weary of romance novels, just like I get almost sick of watching romantic comedies they feel so pointless,fake.
axeman said:
Is JD the first to break 10K? Close to 900 meself, toddler Chronian that I am...
No, if you click on 'members list' (shouldn't that have an apostrophe to indicate we don't all walk off vertical?) you'll see he's second; but Dave imported a lot of his credits from ASCI-Fi, when we merged, while JD got them all honestly here.

And I know I welcomed him in, and I'm only at a measly three thousand two hundred and so.

Yes, even though I am an essentially science fiction person, I have been known to follow authors into strange territory, and enjoy it.

Actually, not getting incensed by technical errors can make the reading experience more restful.
Of course its not a book that deals with anything sexual cause then that would rule out of many other genre books you have read. I have read books that had explicit sex scenes and thought they were well done. Usually in 60s Noir, more adult books like Altered Carbon by Morgan.

I'm not a prude or something i just don't have interest in book versions of porn,erotica,books that only deal with sex. Just like i wont read a romance novel.

Actual I'm more weary of romance novels, just like I get almost sick of watching romantic comedies they feel so pointless,fake.

Very good response, Connavar, and thank you for providing the information. Sounds as if you view this much the same way I would, say, sports stories (in general, at any rate). They simply don't interest me. However, I will say that certain writers (REH, for instance) will get me to read such, and not infrequently I'll find them quite good in such hands. I'm not particularly interested in Westerns, either, but I've read some of those, as well; partly on the strength of a particular writer I knew, sometimes because I'd heard good things about the book in particular. In both cases, I'm not against these particular types of books, but they just don't interest me in general.

Hmmm. There may just be one type of book I'd shy away from, no matter what (though I wouldn't be too certain on that last): such things as the Left Behind books and their ilk. There, however, I will state that, from what little experience I have had with such, they tend to be very badly written, as well as being simply poor propaganda. However, I might read one, if the author were someone I was particularly keen on... but I'm betting I'd have to grit my teeth before doing it....

And Chris: Whaddaya mean, "honestly"....?:p
Somehow, that doesn't surprise me, with Delaney. He always was one to push the boundaries where such subject matter was concerned....
ps: Blimey JD! Over 10,000 posts! Great going.

:D Watch this space. JD will be the first person to sue a web forum for RSI. You'll be reading all about it in the world affairs section. :rolleyes:

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