I am very much interested, in Mr. Mo's idea of an oral conversation between the Kleicomoloes, to be conducted by means of a phonograph. I once owned an Edison machine of the primitive type, with recorder and blanks; and I made many vocal records in imitation of the renowned vocalists of the wax cylinder. My colleagues would smile to hear some of the plaintive tenor solos which I perpetrated in the days of my youth!! But sad to say, I gave the old machine away about a year ago to a deserving and not too musical youth who occasionally performs useful labour about the place. I wish now that I had retained it! However, I am sure that I could obtain the use of a commercial dictating machine at some store -- to run the records of my associates, if not to make one of my own. I presume that if I were to enter this field, Mr. Mo would expect me to roll my "rrrr....'s" most faithfully. I should indeed be charrrmed to parrrrticipaate in such a prodedurrre! This subject brings up memories of the days of a decade ago, when my phonograph was in constant use. I remember one record -- a song called "Starlight", which was truly Western in its cadences: "Good Nity, my Starrrrlight, hearrrt of my hearrt"... etc. etc.