w h pugmire esq
Well-Known Member
Wilum... a novel about Pickman could be a very interesting undertaking. I am wondering, though, given your tendency toward a sort of dream-like atmosphere in your tales, if you might be the one to handle the transition of Pickman from the almost straight horror of "Pickman's Model" to the figure we see in The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath. You may be one of the very few who could capture the dream-elements in the original story and gradually increase them as Pickman undergoes that change and becomes a part of that strange Dreamland. I don't think that it would be necessary to do such using a Dunsanian sort of style, even in the latter portions, but I do think that the eerie blurring of dream and reality which you do so well could be put to very good use with such a tale.
This really tempts me, and I am determined to do something. I need to write a book for Larry Roberts, for his trade pb line. Larry (he is Bloodletting Press) likes to publish novels that are racy and risque, perversely sexual. I would want this first Pickman novel (short novel, probably 40,000/50,000 words) to concentrate on Pickman's earth life and his relationship with a 1920's bohemian poet, Delia Eliot, who as a young girl posed for some of his most scandalous paintings. I've just tonight typed on my blog (A View from Sesqua Valley is my blog's name) that portion from "Uncommon Places" in which I introduce Delia Eliot and her relationship with Pickman. And I see potential for so much exploration: Pickman's origins, his taint of ghoul-breed and how it affects him physically and mentally, &c &c. It wou'd be a challenge to get the period correctly portray'd, but I think I'm up for it. I've got to write my first novel, wee thing though it may be. This may be the idea that will allow me that experience. And then, if I succeed, I could follow with a sequel that follows Pickman's descent into Dreamland and his further transformations. Gawd, there is so much potential in this idea! And then I cou'd publish the two short novels, eventually, as combined in one book. Yes, yes. I certainly have the time to work on this -- but do I have ye nerve...?