I too escape from the real world by reading fantasy.
For most of my reading-life I have read the Classics, Travel, History, Biographies and some Fantasy etc. As a youngster I would often read late into the night, by torchlight beneath the bedcovers! I certainly had a wonderful childhood, no traumas there.
Almost 10 years ago an incident changed my whole life around. Escapism is quite normal for many people and for various reasons. If it helps in the long run, being able to return to the real world and cope with lifes ups and downs then there is nothing wrong with that. I too turned to Fantasy and also to start writing once again.
Rune, there are many times when I cannot concentrate on even the most happiest and interesting things but I persevere, I have to. I often push myself to the limit to sometimes achieve just the smallest thing.
There is still so much I want to do in my lifetime and if reading and writing fantasy helps, well so be it. On my next birthday I want to go abseiling and that will surely be a test! I also want to go to Melbourne to visit a friend, this time without a panic attack in the plane!!!
However, these activities might result in a story which will be an added bonus.
Read and write as much Fantasy/Sci Fiction as and when you can Rune. There are many of use around the world in similar predicaments, you are not alone.