Before They are Hanged - Joe Abercrombie


Oct 11, 2007
Johannesburg, SA
I just recently finished the first book in this series and was totally blown away by the writing style, the deep, dark, secretive characters and the pure lack of a coherent plot. That did not bother me in the least because I wanted to see what happens to the characters, only at the end on the book are you given a glimpse of the main story which I am assuming will shape itself from book 2.

What were your thoughts on book 2 compared to one? How do you rate book 2?
Sorry Biodroid, I picked you up incorrectly thought you meant you'd just finished Before they are Hanged and not what's it like and was going to say it is the second book in series:eek:

I rate it very highly and it is a good follow up.
This shapes up nicely and goes a long way in making Glokta one of my favourite characters
Without giving away too much, I'd just like to say that the plot is very coherent**. However, the author is very good at hiding it until he wants the reader to see what's been happening. To get the full sense of the achievement, you really have to read all three volumes of what is really a very long book sold in three parts***. You shouldn't be disappointed.

** - Can anything be partially coherent?

*** - And just as well: even a combined paperback edition would be a wrist-breaker.
Thanks Ursa, I'm about 40 pages in (slow reader) and think it's definitely a lot more intriguing than the first. I also think it's better written too maybe his skill has improved but I feel more for the characters, but thats most likely because I know them more too.
It's a terrific book, and a terrific series. You're in for a treat. I'm reading the third one (Last Argument of Kings) myself, and it's all good.

By the way, which cover do you have? The original paperbacks, with the parchment-like cover, are awesome. Best looking cover of any book I own. Unfortunately, I was only able to find it for The Blade Itself; I have the other two in Mass Market Paperback, which aren't nearly as attractive.
I got the new revised covers with the characters on them. I lent the first book to a buddy at work and he read it, then lent it to his girlfriend and she got up to 50 pages and told him to give the book back to me coz she wants to buy the series for herself. I must admit I haven't been hooked like this for a while.
It's a terrific book, and a terrific series. You're in for a treat. I'm reading the third one (Last Argument of Kings) myself, and it's all good.

By the way, which cover do you have? The original paperbacks, with the parchment-like cover, are awesome. Best looking cover of any book I own. Unfortunately, I was only able to find it for The Blade Itself; I have the other two in Mass Market Paperback, which aren't nearly as attractive.

are you in the us or the uk? i didnt think there was more than one option here in the states, and i hate the version they have here. it's the size of a textbook!
What were your thoughts on book 2 compared to one? How do you rate book 2?

I liked book 1, but thought book 2 and 3 were significantly better. They all had interesting characters, but the second and third books added a compelling plot as well, whereas the first book was more of an introduction to the characters.
I loved the entire series. I also would suggest his other book Best Served Cold. You might want to take a look at Brent Weeks Night Angel trilogy too.
I read all three books, but I can't say I'm a fan of the series. There are aspects to it I like, but as a whole they are disappointing. If I'm expected to read an entire series of books I want some closure at the end for the story and the characters.
The story certainly comes to a satisfactory ending. (The three books together have the title, The First Law.) If anything, the author ties up some loose ends I hadn't known needed tying until the knots appeared.

As for the characters: their part in the story does end. Some (I won't give spoilers) may have lives that continue beyond the story.
Quite true. A few of the 'supporting' characters actually appear in fairly significant roles in Best Served Cold, which I'm currently reading. (And yes, it's also very good.) One, in fact, is among the key protagonists...

are you in the us or the uk? i didnt think there was more than one option here in the states, and i hate the version they have here. it's the size of a textbook!
Neither. I live in Dubai.

The bookstores here generally get whatever edition they can get a hand on. Sometimes it's UK, other times it's US. I got the awesome parchmenty textured covers for The Blade Itself and Best Served Cold, but could only find the Mass Market editions for TFL #2 & 3. They look okay, actually, not too bad. They're just a bit generic.

Interestingly, I noticed we have the large "textbook" size edition of BSC, as well, but it's still paperback. Not sure why they need three different sizes of paperback, in addition to a hardback...
are you in the us or the uk? i didnt think there was more than one option here in the states, and i hate the version they have here. it's the size of a textbook!

US only got the Hardcover and Tradepaper back sizes, I am not aware of any mmp version coming out in the future
Book 2 you mean? That's odd. It's not really a slow book.

But I can only answer, "Yes, it picks up considerably." Unlike many who find Hanged better than the first, I actually thought it was my least favourite of the three.

(Although in this case, "least favourite" is still the equivalent of "pretty damn good".)
It's good but so far I still fail to see the "plot" manifesting. At the moment the characters are still just running around and doing their own thing.

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