What Games Are You Excited Over?

@ Devilsgrin re DA2:
Nah, although I'm not too happy about what has changed (combat especially - I like the combat of the original game) in Dragon Age, and neither about what has stayed the same (I really would have liked a change from Darkspawn), I don't think there is any fear that it will be a similar story to The Witcher. the Witcher is based on a very orifginal character from polish literature, and to copy that would clearly be plagiarism. Anyway, what makes The Witcher so gr8, is not so much the story, as the character of Geralt himself.

Furthermore, although I agree that it is more RP friendly to be able to choose your race and character, keep in mind that in many cool RPG's you don't get to choose that, such as the nameless hero in Gothic, and the Nameless one in Planescape Torment; hmm, ok in maybe lesser-liked ones too, but ones that I personally liked such as Two Worlds and Rise of the Argonauts.

Anyway, so the human only and the story-driven aspect doesn't bother me all that much as long as I can still choose my class, though there are a few other things such as wugly graphics that concern me a bit more.

Anyway, so I'm rather looking forward to DA2.

But uppermost and foremost, I'm looking forward to The Witcher 2.

I'm also curious about Arkania, I suppose I'll be getting when it ever decides to come out. ..and Diablo 3, I suppose, even tho action RPG's aren't quite so much my cup of tea... :p
Motorstorm Apocalypse is looking fun.

The new Deus Ex has piqued my interest, but we'll have to see how that progresses.

Whilst I haven't got far into the first BioShock (I only just used a plasmid, then turned it off - it was freaking me out!), I'm rather looking forward to BioShock Infinite.

And then there are the obvious games - Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Uncharted 3 (it's a no-brainer - there will be a third) and a possible Resistance 3 (again, no-brainer).

I could get daft and say I'm also excited about the third Assassin's Creed (not Brotherhood - that's more of an addon in my eyes) and GTA5, but I reckon they're both a year or two off being announced. Things like Uncharted 3 and Resistance 3 will, in my opinion, be at least mentioned, if not solidly announced, even released, by the end of next year.
@ Devilsgrin re DA2:
Nah, although I'm not too happy about what has changed (combat especially - I like the combat of the original game) in Dragon Age, and neither about what has stayed the same (I really would have liked a change from Darkspawn), I don't think there is any fear that it will be a similar story to The Witcher. the Witcher is based on a very orifginal character from polish literature, and to copy that would clearly be plagiarism. Anyway, what makes The Witcher so gr8, is not so much the story, as the character of Geralt himself.

Furthermore, although I agree that it is more RP friendly to be able to choose your race and character, keep in mind that in many cool RPG's you don't get to choose that, such as the nameless hero in Gothic, and the Nameless one in Planescape Torment; hmm, ok in maybe lesser-liked ones too, but ones that I personally liked such as Two Worlds and Rise of the Argonauts.

Anyway, so the human only and the story-driven aspect doesn't bother me all that much as long as I can still choose my class, though there are a few other things such as wugly graphics that concern me a bit more.

Anyway, so I'm rather looking forward to DA2.

But uppermost and foremost, I'm looking forward to The Witcher 2.

I'm also curious about Arkania, I suppose I'll be getting when it ever decides to come out. ..and Diablo 3, I suppose, even tho action RPG's aren't quite so much my cup of tea... :p

yes, the Witcher 2 is something i can't wait for either... tho hoping (fingers crossed) that issues with load times are dealt with this time... the epic length load times of the first one... yikes...

Whilst the Witcher is a much more original story than we've seen before, its certainly not unique, and even Geralt sometimes seems like a hodge-podge of "cool characters" all rolled into one (tho i must add, its been done VERY well). The book... that's name escapes me right now... is pretty good. i'm guessing it loses some rhythm from translation from Polish. but overall a very good book, one that was adapted very well into a very good game. hoping the 2nd knocks it out of the park.
yes, the Witcher 2 is something i can't wait for either... tho hoping (fingers crossed) that issues with load times are dealt with this time... the epic length load times of the first one... yikes...

Hmm, I agree about the load times in TW in the original version, which I played when it was released, but I also bought the enhanced version later on, and re-played about 3/4 of the game, and I must say that I think those issues have been resolved already. I found no difference in the loading times of DA, Divine divinity 2, and my second Witcher playthrough, all of which I played quite close together.

I'm a bit sad that once again the combat mechanics had been changed for a sequel, (first DA, now Witcer), since I actually really enjoyed fighting in a rythm as opposed to the mad clicking that one usually has to do in some action RPG's.

Whilst the Witcher is a much more original story than we've seen before, its certainly not unique, and even Geralt sometimes seems like a hodge-podge of "cool characters" all rolled into one (tho i must add, its been done VERY well). The book... that's name escapes me right now... is pretty good. i'm guessing it loses some rhythm from translation from Polish. but overall a very good book, one that was adapted very well into a very good game.
I presume you're referring to "The Last Wish" there? There are some other Witcher books as well, I got Blood OF Elves as well, though haven't gotten around to reading it.

..and though the witchhunter/monster hunter thing has been done before (van Helsing, anyone?), perhaps not quite in this way, were children are taken for a guild of monsterhunters and actually mutated.

Watching (with subtitles) the Polish TV series of The Witcher (Wiedzmin) really gives one a good feel for this.
thats it, The Last Wish!!! i knew it was the last "something." I'll keep an eye out for Blood of Elves too.
OMG theres a TV series too? i'm gonna have to hunt that down quicksmart... subtitled of course...
I look forward to playing, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier ... I'm a big fan of the Tom Clancy games and books. :)
Resident Evil Revelations. I'm anxious, I keep thinking about it. Yeah I'm an RE freak!
Mass Effect 2 for PS3
Resistance 3
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One

As soon as I read the Sony conference at GC 2010, and saw that you posted, I was certain that those were the titles you'd have posted.
Also excited over 'Resistance 3'.
Microsoft has nothing that interests me (in fact all i hear from them is Halo and Kinect). They are learning the harsh lesson of needing first party support.
I'm looking forward to Rage.

Publisher: Bethesda Softworks

id Software pioneered the first person shooter and is the company behind the “Doom” and “Quake” franchises. This is their first new property in 14 years and it’s looking really, really good. It took home “Best of Show” awards from many publications at E3 and was one of the most buzzed about titles among convention-goers
Dragon Age II! Although sadly I doubt my computer will be able to run it.
I've been playing Dead Space the last couple of weeks and have really enjoyed it so far. (Although i do have to keep coming out of it as i get really scared.) I'm delighted to read that Dead Space 2 is up soon. (I need to look into the cartoon story that was released telling the back story as well.)
Dead Space freaked me out as well.

Arkham City is looking really good.
Looking forward to Star Wars: the Old Republic... watch the trailer in the link below and tell me it doesn't look awesome.. go on, I dares ya!

Star Wars: The Old Republic | Trailers

Of course, a cool trailer doesn't automatically mean a good game but you just can't fault their production values (LucasArts and Bioware. 'nuff said). Apparently (according to my mate who's an avid SW afficionado) this looks like being a very 'un-george-lucasy' game.

Hope it comes out on PS3 though, rather than just PC or I'll be gutted :p
