Read MOI, and I say that as someone who has quit the series.
That book is astounding.
I agree Wiggum, MoI is an amazing book. I would agree with HB, though, that Erikson could use a tyrant of an editor. Not that the work is padded, far from it, but I have read four books, and am on the fifth, and I still don't know what he is trying to accomplish, aside from entertain certain kinds of readers. I think he is attempting something deeper, but I am not sure what, and this is due to a lack of focus on themes in the plot and character development (although at this point, I would say Karsa Orlong is an exception, but that was all in one book (House of Chains).
The books need to be distilled somewhat, to make them into a finer product, removing some of the impurities, and the links to the overarching story are surely the weakest part of Erikson's work. To be sure, there are great things happening in these books, but they could be considerably better were Erikson to take the time to let them distill. I mean, one 1000-page book a year for ten years?!? The pace is brutal, and lends itself to hackishness or laziness (in terms of writing discipline, not in terms of the volume).
A great series, yes, but with some significant flaws that could have been avoided had Erikson slowed his pace a bit, and had a drill-sargeant editor that he began to hate by the end of his first draft.