What would be Firefly's Season 2 story arc?

Firefly Season 2 story arc.
2 hour set up episode:

1. The Alliance prosecutes Mal albiet indirectly - they don't go after him for revealing the big secret about the Reavers, but they bring up other charges from his first season escapades. As a result, Serenity gets impounded, and Mal gets put on probation and put into a no-fly status.

2. Depressed and still in morning, Zoe enters a monastery. It's run by the same order that Shepard Book belonged to.

3. Simon, with River in tow, accepts an Alliance offer to operate a medical practice on an Outer Rim planet.

4. Mal, Inara, Jayne, and Kaylee end up on Persephone. Mal and Jayne work for Badger (which they don't like.) Kaylee works nearby at a ship repair shop. Inara is no longer a practicing Companion but works in an administrative function for the Companions - which she does from home.

Story Arc:
Season 2 would be about Mal trying to get Serenity back (and getting the crew back together.)

Other arcs:

1. Kaylee wants to get back with Simon and vice versa. However, both of their lives are in opposite spheres.
2. River is still hunted - not by the Alliance - but by private parties that want her for her unique skills.
Possible early season episodes based on the above opening season scenario.

1. Saffron shows up on Persephone and has an affair with the mentally weakened Mal. Inara finds out and accepts a position on Ariel teaching grace and manners to young girls. Kaylee won't talk to Mal anymore. Jayne becomes Badger's #1 hired muscle which he's ok with because of the money.

2. While at the monastary, Zoe is chosen to become a pupil of Leoph, a mysterous leader of religious knights. Mal finds out through Kaylee (who leaves him a note.) The missions of the Knights of Leoph are the subject of verse-wide speculation and rumor. Some suspect Leoph of being an Alliance agent.

3. Simon puts River under anesthesia in order to run tests on her brain. While under the anestesia, a group of masked persons break in and kidnap her. Simon tries to stop it but is drugged unconscious. Upon recovering, he sends a message to Mal. Mal resolves to find her no matter the consequences. He forms a temporary truce with Kaylee and tells her what happened. She agrees to help him find passage on a ship even though it violates his parole.
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I think I would have liked to explore the idea of raising a family onboard ship and the implications that it would have for any of the kids growing up in a confined environment like that.

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