I had a question on marketing I wanted I ask, but I forgot the site address for a few months...
Anyway, I'm redoing my first two books under "New Edition" with content the previous version didn't have in order to prepare for the third volume, but once again, the main issue is the marketing. So for a marketing plan, in order to build interest in the series I had a four step plan:
1.) Use free web comic to draw attention
2.) Have free mini-eBooks that link back to the main site
3.) ???
4.) Profit
The questions are:
1.) How do I spread it?
* I don't want to start joining forums only to advertise the series and contribute nothing. That benefits no one and only draws ire. But at the same time, I need to allure their attention.
2.) Should I just rely on Lulu.com to sell the books, or use something like Payloadz, where they don't have to register to download, only pay?
* I figured that one deterrent was that people didn't want to have to register with a site to buy a single book, so I could give them an alternative method.