Waiting for Lynch and The Republic of Thieves

Yes, I wouldn't be surprised if it changed. It's also a little annoying (;)) because it's all about Young Locke and not the plot of the third book (well, apart from finding out some more about Sabetha).
Long time waiters for the book know not to listen to Amazon any more. It's put up so many possible dates over the years. It inevitiably just gets pushed back and changed again.
Long time waiters for the book know not to listen to Amazon any more. It's put up so many possible dates over the years. It inevitiably just gets pushed back and changed again.

I agree with you there. I have come not to really trust their dates for most books. They switch them all the time.
I'm sure it will only be a few more thousand years. I hope.
I'm keeping very quiet. Scott's promised me a short story for a very special project... I just hope that hasn't contributed, even in a very minor way, to any delay. :rolleyes: I'm as impatient for the new book as anybody.
No problem! As the post shows, a mere 50 seconds after he posted it on twitter, I was already getting the information ready to share here :D
That is dedication, and much appreciated! :) Now to make the wait until October. Definitely a book I will buy the day it comes out!
