Remember Your First...

To be honest A) I read the first Harry Potter and couldn't stomach and more. But love the movies... weird. I think at the time felt "too mature" to read a "kids" book.

And while The Hobbit is the only Tolkien I like... I didn't really inspire me much.

There really some great books here. But alot I had/have to look up.
Peter Hamilton, Nights Dawn trilogy blew me away. Ive been a long time admirer of Terry Pratchett, find his writing genius.

But first inspiration? I think it would have to be an original (beautiful hand drawn maps, great leather binding etc) Tolkien Lord of the Rings way back in school. Really took me to places in my head ive been looking for ever since.
Robert Jordan was my biggest inspiration, his ability to create a world so real I could reach out my hand and touch the things he described. He made me feel angry and happy and sad on the behalf of the caracters, I even felt ill when the caracters did. I must admit when I read the wheel of time series I didn`t live on planet earth. In a way I still don`t. I like to tell my friends when they frown at my absentmindedness that; I dont really live here, I`m only visiting. :)
I think it was Enid Blyton books which first made me want to write my own stories, I vaguely remember my first story being something about children in a giants land, and had pictures too. :)

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