Last weekend, i.e. in March, I finished reading
The Clan Corporate by Charles Stross, the third book in his
The Merchant Princes series. I won't follow my usual practice of quoting (from) the first paragraph of the book, as the first chapter of this book is mostly devoted to bringing new readers (those who have read books I and II) up to speed.
Since my own readings of those two books, I found that that some people say that they were originally meant to be one book, but the publisher thought it too long. That would explain why they flowed so well into each other. The say seems to be true here:
The Clan Corporate is only the first part of a longer book.
Okay, what's it like? Very enjoyable, in spite of the cliff-hanger ending (which means you really need book IV to hand). It's now clear to me that the basic premise - the ability to switch between parallel worlds, has a great deal in common with that behind the author's Laundry series (where complex mathemetical funtions perform the same function (
) as magical incantations do in straight fantasy). We even have non-paranormal spooks (but from the NSA, not MI whatever). Hoewever, the atmosphere of the two series is different. Where the Laundry series mixes pastiche with horror, here we have SF-influenced adventure mixed with "geo" politics and high-value crime.
To be fair, the adventure in this volume of the series is restrained: there is more politics. much of which goes over the head of the principal protagonist, to join a cloud of gloom caused by the unpleasant plans others have for her.
All in all, I enjoyed the book, but would advise others wanting to read this to read the first two books first.