Honor Harrington spin-offs

Ah well those were the first I've read from both of them and I just didn't like the writing style. It might be interesting to read the second one as that has a Linda Evans one in it and I quite like her collaboration with Weber on the New Multiverse books (Hell's Gate and Hell Hath no Fury). Sadly it's not looking much like that series will continue as I don't think Linda Evans hasn't written anything since 2007 due to health problems.
I like Linda Evans in collaboration with Webber also. I agree it looks like her health may have ended her career before it got a full head of steam up. Really too bad.

Drake's Hammer's Slammers is pretty good stuff and I am in love with Stirling's Emberverse stuff. In fact I am working on finishing The Dog Stars by Heller and then have a Stirling emberverse novel to get into which should carry me until Midst Toil and Tribulation is out. It is a good time to be alive!!
These days I have so much quality stuff stacked up to read that I think it may be a while. Just reading my first Cherryh book for example and I shall be going back for more from her.

First Cherryh book!!!??? In some ways I envy you. She is one of the all time greats of SF. Her books are dense but well worth the effort. I don't think anyone does alien mind set better than she does. You really feel as if the aliens in her stories are alien, not Star Trek actors whose greatest alienness was their makeup.
Yes there are some names that seem to have slipped past me over the years - I used to be a very erratic reader. But, hey, all the more for me to read now!

I am quite impressed so far; I'm about half way through Brothers of Earth and despite it only being her second novel (I think) it's not bad at all, a bit weak in places maybe but very promising for being so early in her writing. Having glanced through the blurbs on her books she seems to like the subject of a few humans isolated in an alien culture environment. Which I also find interesting. Her approach in this book is maybe a little naive, so I may jump straight on to her Foreigner series afterwards.

By the way, I'm coming over to your fair land on Sunday; working in New York for a week. :)
Vertigo: Foreigner is quintessential Cherryth. I believe I've read them all to date. Like I said they are meaty works. You have to have your thinker set to concentrate. But I at least like the pay off. I once emailed her about one of the main concepts in the first book and had a nice little correspondence with her.

Glad you will be state side for a week. Must be a good job that sends you on occasion to New York City. However I'm not sure New York is much more like Iowa than are the Scottish highlands.
That's alright I like meaty books as well as pure action ones so I'm really very much looking forward to these!

The work side is actually just a hang over from what I used to do before setting up the printing company that I now run, and that was training in programming which I still love and so still do on occasion. That sort of work takes you around a fair bit; I used to do a lot of teaching for Nokia in Finland, for example. But, yes, there are other parts of the States that I would opt to visit before New York, but you go where the work takes you!

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