Dahak Series-David Weber

I really liked the 3rd novel. Heck I tear up every time I get to the line where equal is telling them of the priority hypercom transmission from Pardal. And at the end jokingly asks, "Will there be a reply?" I'be read the books like thirteen times now and I can't wait to get to that point overtime.

I would like to see David come out with a forth novel, maybe take the fight to the computer.
I hope he takes it somewhere good. I don't want anymore books like the last one.

Lol I loved the ending in that book. I have read pretty much everything he has written and the twist at the end was a lot of fun. Very uncharacteristic of DW and nice to see he can surprise us once in a while.
So when do you guys think the last book in the Dahak Series will ever come out?

And this trilogy- by far- is the GREATEST scifi story I have ever read, rivaling Star Wars and even some of the Star Trek tales.

He should seriously consider sending off the idea to Spielberg or something, because having Mutineer's Moon as the first movie of a trilogy would be incredible.

There are so many details (new, innovative details) and plot concepts so absolutely fresh and different than what has been released in the entire history of Scifi movies that I think a professional movie production of this series would be successful without doubt.....I mean, Muntineer's Moon alone is like an alternative history story but with Star Trek and Starship Troopers combined, and then all ties in to an even GRANDER scale (the Acchultani) which makes an easy lead-in to a sequel!

Who's with me?

And if you have not read it here is the hull Serise Online Empire from the Ashes by David Weber - Baen Books


LOL< I already had a thought of what a trailer could be that would have people flocking to see WTH this movie was about. I'm pretty sure this line doesn't exist in the book, but one when Dahak is letting MacIntyre know about the Achuultani would do.

Thought was
-Dahaks voice "They are coming Commander, they are coming and there is nothing you or I can do to stop that" while there is a view of a low orbit of the moon, dust flying, cracks forming and pieces starting to break off.

Simple, cinematics, and just has people BEGGING for answers.

I loved first two books, third book was alright, the ending one liner was really the best part of the book. I hope he hasn't retired Dahak, as I haven't managed to being myself to check any of his other works.

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