I am ploughing my way through the Honor Harrington series. I tend to do that. I fix on one author and read until I run out of books. I agree with some of the comments in this thread that sometimes the attention to political detail gets to be a bit much and there are certain scenarios in the space battles Weber repeats over and over again, such as the number of missiles launched, the number taken out, and the number that finally get through, but generally I have found the series to be excellent. One rather annoying aspect of the Harrington novels were the various references to characters in other series. I finally decided that the only way to read the Harrington series so that every reference made sense was to find the other books and read them as well. Now the entire complex of the Honor Harrington universe in coming together in a much more logical fashion. I have about three books to go and am looking forward to any future books in the series.