Discussion -- August 2011 Challenge

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The Judge

Truth. Order. Moderation.
Staff member
Nov 10, 2008
nearly the New Forest
As Moonbat has opened the August Challenge, here is the new Discussion thread.

And just to confirm -- while we have full confidence that everyone will adhere to the family friendly nature of the site, this is a potentially problematic theme and genre, and any entry deemed by the mods to transgress the boundaries, particularly so far as graphic violence is concerned, will be removed from the Challenge.

Otherwise -- let the play begin!

Just realised, never congratulated Moonbat! Congrats!
Re: Discussion AUGUST 75 Word Writing Challenge

So...."HORROR!"? ... I think I preferred "Kipling"! Hahaha

This may prove the most interesting challenge yet!
Re: Discussion AUGUST 75 Word Writing Challenge

Oh I don't know, it's about time we had some horror around here!

And besides, horror is a genre that can be happily spliced into anything, be it sci-fi or fantasy or whatever.

Great choices Moonbat.
Re: Discussion AUGUST 75 Word Writing Challenge

Although it's not my favourite genre, it's really something quite different and refreshing, and the theme... I like it.

There could be some great stuff appearing this month*

*Not that there isn't every month

What harebrains posted already?!!?
Re: Discussion AUGUST 75 Word Writing Challenge

Getting in first has been lucky for me in the past.

Plus I'm a bit drunk.
Re: Discussion AUGUST 75 Word Writing Challenge

This month's combination of theme and genre fills me with...what was that emotion again?
Re: Discussion AUGUST 75 Word Writing Challenge

Woo hoo hoo, Horror! *rubs hands gleefully*

And on this note, I bet I end up coming up with diddly squat this month...
Re: Discussion AUGUST 75 Word Writing Challenge

Nice choice Moonbat....and well done for the win last month.
Re: Discussion AUGUST 75 Word Writing Challenge

Clarification please:



Does this mean we have to write a play in 75 words or just play at writing horror?
Re: Discussion AUGUST 75 Word Writing Challenge

Ahh, 75-word plays, the new hot thing on Broadway! :D

I don't think you could even get those opera glasses facing the right direction before intermission. And you REALLY don't want to be late!
Re: Discussion AUGUST 75 Word Writing Challenge

And just to confirm -- while we have full confidence that everyone will adhere to the family friendly nature of the site, this is a potentially problematic theme and genre, and any entry deemed by the mods to transgress the boundaries, particularly so far as graphic violence is concerned, will be removed from the Challenge.

And I'd like to add: Keep away from cute kittens....

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Re: Discussion AUGUST 75 Word Writing Challenge

Woe is me! I am undone!! Outside of reading some Edgar Allen Poe and Frankenstein I shun horror like it is the Black Plague.

Let's see:

Ring around the Rosie,
Pockets full of Posies,
Ashes, Ashes,
We all fall down.
Re: Discussion AUGUST 75 Word Writing Challenge

AHHHH! Parson go easy on the terror! This a family site! With your posies and ashes and *gasp* falling down-ing! Brrr... gruesome stuff! :D
Re: Discussion AUGUST 75 Word Writing Challenge

I'd personally say go for as cute a kitten as possible, and make sure you leave it covered in blood (not too graphically though) ;)

Can't believe Harebrain has entered already, I logged back into the site mere hours after posting the thread and already there was an entry.

having spent time looking through all the past themes/genres I wanted something new (horror having not been done yet) but also a theme that gave a lot of scope, I think 'play' can mean several things so I'm hoping we get a wonderfully diverse batch of tales this month.

I always thought the people who posted the theme had some idea for a story before posting, but now I realise that the challenge of choosing a theme/genre takes over and the idea of having something in mind is completely ignored.
Re: Discussion AUGUST 75 Word Writing Challenge

I think the person posting the theme may have the most difficult time meeting the challenge, particularly now that we're trying to make them, well, more challenging.

In spite of reading thousands of posts by other posters, I have no real idea what they will find challenging. However, I do know what I would. I think that's true for most of us, and so if the theme-setter wants the entrants to his or her challenge to find it stretching, the theme-setter will, consciously or not, be aiming at their own perceived limitations.

(By the way, I have no problem with a kitten having blood on its claws.)
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