I´m not closed to the possibility but just want to point out that the earth is expanding, right? Noah had a son whose name meant something like ¨separation¨ and this name agrees with the theory that Pangea (sp?) separated. The breathtaking engineering of the Incas or Quechuas and their ancestors, often considered the work of aliens, is similar to the construction of Solomon´s temple as well as of the Egyptian pyramids. Gerald Hancock´s opinions on History Channel are captivating, but don´t seem to take the above into consideration. Granted that the civiization of India is probably much older than historians have usually claimed, the very antiquety of it could explain its sophistication. Besides, there was obviously a sharing of cultural values among the great ancient civilizations. I believe there was contact, either before or after the separation of Pangea, between the two hemispheres. I don´t believe it had to be the influence of an alien civilization. Diamond´s Collapse helps us understand the brilliant minds of ancient primitive people, as do other studies of supposedly primitive civilizations today. I live in Central America, not South America, but the former was not an option, so I chose what was closest. My husband does not, by any means, look like the Mayans or a descendant of those who crossed the Bering Strait. He looks like an Indian from India or a Pakistani. I tease him and call him Mochica because he reminds me of the Mochica stirrup portraits on ancient mugs from the pre-Incan culture. Check them out.