Discussion - January 2012 - 75 Word Challenge

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Woof wooofwoof woof. Woof woof woof!!!!!! (*)

(*) well done, Springs! Please don't be too mean to us next month, my brain still hurts from this one. (yeah, I know. dog language is very efficient)
Good win, springs. :) I wanted to vote, but my mood's been awful lately and I felt like I couldn't even read any of the entries, and of course it's not fair to vote on a quick whim.

I'll see how things go for February, I doubt things'll be different.

From the disheartening moment when I read your fantastic entry, and realised that nothing I could write would ever match up to it, I was pretty confident you'd do very well this month. Well done.

*Go a bit easier on next months theme eh? The brain-ache from this last one was terrible!!!;):p:D*
Congratulations, springs!! A well deserved win. :)

Thanks to Boneman and The Judge (and anyone I might have missed along the way) for your mentions.
Congratulations, Springs! Commiserations to Teresa for losing her lead -- though she actually gave up joint first place by voting for Springs herself when they were tied four votes each, which was rather heroic (to the extent a vote can be).

The lesson from the last two months, surely, is to post your story on the first day. And if everyone did that, we could fit in several challenges a month!
I was grateful to get as many votes as I did, considering the excellence of all the stories, but I always thought that springs would win it.

Karn, we miss your stories. I hope you'll change your mind and write us something in February.
It can go either way right now, TE. Between how my mood will be and what the theme will be, I'll have to wait and see what goes.

I certainly hope I can get something in though. I wish the theme and genre were already up because this is one of the times I can come up with something, which has been rare this past month. Just remember, though, like GLaDOS, I'm still alive.
Congratulations, Springs! Commiserations to Teresa for losing her lead -- though she actually gave up joint first place by voting for Springs herself when they were tied four votes each, which was rather heroic (to the extent a vote can be).

I thought that was amazing, ty TE, and wasn't at all sure I could have done the same thing. :eek: (I was glad I'd voted earlier because I was torn between Aber's and TE's and I think I would always have wondered if I'd been totally honest.) Now totally stumped for next month; might be the first thing to actually keep me quiet for a while. :)
Way to Go Springs!! Now you all know why (normally) I don't read any of the entries before posting my own... great story, and well-deserved. Of course, if the vampires got him in the end, won't he become a were-dog? Maybe there's an expansion there into a whole short story - dog torn between biting it's owners and just fighting bad guys... a kind of Superdog with blood flying!

And thank you so much to all those shortlistings and mentions.

Note to Springs: just a theme would be good... no genre... even though it stretches us (as seen by the great entries) like Bilbo, I feel kind of stretched thin, at the moment...:eek:
Springs1971, mighty fine tale. You had a great deal fantastic writers to compete against (and I mean everyone).

Congradulations. What's next?
Big congrats to springs -- the first winner from the Emerald Isle (I think).

Don't listen to Boneman ;) Stretch us like a Stretch Armstrong fresh out of the box on Christmas morning.
Reflecting back over this months challenge - besides the outstanding quality from everyone was the trouble I had with it!

Putting aside any real life stuff I had going on, when I first saw the theme I loved it - my dad is a huge western fan so I grew up watching westerns, and writing something, even with the added weird would be easy. To some degree it was, but for the first time I can remember since starting these challenges, despite the number of stories I came up with I was never really happy with any of them - they all seemed mediocre, not something I was unhappy with, but nothing that really appealed to me either.

Even the one I went with in the end didn't feel right (So obviously the two votes I received made me feel spectacular.)

That being said I did wonder how many people did actually get the tale?
Butch and Sundance meet Westworld? It did make me smile , and would have been a happier ending to the film than we got in the big screen version!
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