Hybrid Genre: Dark Fantasy/Parody-Satire

P.S. - when/if you do find books like yours, look at the publication date. I am under the impression that when Terry Pratchett first became popular there were various people tried out by publishers trying to find "the next Pratchett" but none of it took and it hasn't been tried in a while.

I did not stumble upon Pratchett up until sometime last year. But I have been writing this parody/spoof fantasy series several years before that. I have not read any of his stuff, but from the summaries I have read about him he seems to be a like minded author. Yet because of him I purposely eliminated segmenting my book into standardized chapters.:p Anyway, yeah...I hope I can aspire to be the younger American version of Pratchett haha.

Thanks everyone for the references. Though I am glad there are not many authors doing this genre, I still think its good that there are enough that maybe I can get in contact with so that maybe we can unite and help each other in rebooting this fringe genre with me being the new breed guy.:D
That's why this kind of book is so hard to get published - sense of humour is so personal, which means you have to hit exactly the right agent at the right time. With non-humorous books, you have a bit more leeway of the "this isn't perfect but I known an editor who loves this kind of thing" variety.

I agree. I think of all the genres, comedy is the hardest to pull off because it is so intensely personal.
And of course there is this "classic:"


With Dildo Buggins.
On further thought, I am not sure that what you have described as your writing is anything like Terry Pratchett.

My understanding is that you are writing a parody of dark fantasy which is intended to be comic. (Or have I got hold of the wrong end of the stick?)

Pratchett is writing comic fantasy, which is a parody of current human society, and is at times dark in tone. His darkness comes from the themes he covers - discrimination, greed, violence, war. It doesn't include the kind of "dark" sex which yours does.

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