I have to agree with pretty much everything HWS said, but I also did enjoy the parts Taly mentioned. Personally, I believe Egwene needs to--for all intents and purposes--die. Not physically, that would just upset the Tower hierarchy and we might get someone like Elaida again. As much as I agree that it doesn't make any sense for it to be this way, Egwene is a good leader. She just doesn't lead in the right direction. When I said she needed to die, I meant that the person who is currently Egwene needs to die. She needs to be remade, like Rand was. I also believe that for being the arrogant, self-righteous stuck-up witch that she is, she should get the a'dam again, or maybe have to go through what Rand did right before Dumai's Wells. All in all though, I HATE Egwene.