The Egwene Hate Threat

I have to agree with pretty much everything HWS said, but I also did enjoy the parts Taly mentioned. Personally, I believe Egwene needs to--for all intents and purposes--die. Not physically, that would just upset the Tower hierarchy and we might get someone like Elaida again. As much as I agree that it doesn't make any sense for it to be this way, Egwene is a good leader. She just doesn't lead in the right direction. When I said she needed to die, I meant that the person who is currently Egwene needs to die. She needs to be remade, like Rand was. I also believe that for being the arrogant, self-righteous stuck-up witch that she is, she should get the a'dam again, or maybe have to go through what Rand did right before Dumai's Wells. All in all though, I HATE Egwene.
Hey, let's face it. Except for Min and Aviendha, all of RJ's women are pretty hard to take. They are over-bearing and domineering witches who think all men are stupid. Kind of gives you an insight to RJ's view of women.

True, but it is still there sometimes. I think RJ's gender stereotypes was what made me start to realise that they're not actually very well written books at all. Since then, I have discovered the following problems:

Too dense
Too much description
Simplified, one dimensional characters
Too long
Mystifying orchestrations ('no they're dead no they're alive again as someone else'
Sinful plot ignorance ('I should tell Rand about this thing that's hugely important but I won't because of that thing he said about such and such who I'm so head over heels in love with it hurts, even though this morsel of information could save thousands of lives, but I'm a woman and I'm in a huff and everybody knows that women don't want to give men the satisfaction of talking to them when they're in a huff even though the world as we know it is at stake'
Over foreshadowing: yeah, we get it, you had the whole thing planned.
Character hoarding, aka 'nobody ever dies'.

Egwene is the least of my concerns. If you take away the pedigree, WoT is actually not that great at all. Volume does not equal quality. Read Malazan instead- at least you won;t be treated like a woolhead by the author.
True, but it is still there sometimes. I think RJ's gender stereotypes was what made me start to realise that they're not actually very well written books at all. Since then, I have discovered the following problems:

Too dense
Too much description
Simplified, one dimensional characters
Too long
Mystifying orchestrations ('no they're dead no they're alive again as someone else'
Sinful plot ignorance ('I should tell Rand about this thing that's hugely important but I won't because of that thing he said about such and such who I'm so head over heels in love with it hurts, even though this morsel of information could save thousands of lives, but I'm a woman and I'm in a huff and everybody knows that women don't want to give men the satisfaction of talking to them when they're in a huff even though the world as we know it is at stake'
Over foreshadowing: yeah, we get it, you had the whole thing planned.
Character hoarding, aka 'nobody ever dies'.

Egwene is the least of my concerns. If you take away the pedigree, WoT is actually not that great at all. Volume does not equal quality. Read Malazan instead- at least you won;t be treated like a woolhead by the author.

Just about to start Malazan so it will be interesting to compare but your descriptions are unrecognisable from the WoT series I read. In fact I cna't see one thing here tha I agree with. Isn't that just the beauty of opinion. Just imagine if everyone had the same opinion of what is beautiful and attractive in a marriage partner, 95% of people would be single!!

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