Earth had had other things on its mind than wormholes by that time.
The way things are set up between the planets is this:
Earth's resources have been heavily declining, and so by the year 2100 A.D. a push was being made to try to colonize other areas of the universe. A moon base had already been set up but it relied too heavily on supply ships from the planet to survive, so was abandoned within a century. At that point, due to medical advances, if one was able to remain well fed, the life expectancy of a human has tripled. Diseases such as cancer, organ disease, and various others now had cures. Malnutrition had become the number one killer of humans, until scientists had discovered a way to safely sever the bond between carbon and oxygen atoms in CO2 molecules. This discovery led to replenishment of the ozone layer and the atmosphere, and helped to stabilize Earth's temperatures and humans started to look to Mars as their next salvation. Over the next centuries colonies popped up on Mars and experiments with space continued.
It wasn't until about the year 4300 A.D. that other intelligent life in the universe was discovered when a strange object crash landed on Martian soil. It was made of a metal that was not found on Earth or any of its colonized celestial bodies. A bigger push was made to find ways to circumnavigate the universe. Spaceships were already able to travel at warp speeds, but even with them available humans had not been able to reach too far beyond the solar system. One experiment had a traversable dimension beyond our own, and experienced astronauts was sent in.
After what seemed to be only about an hour Earth time, the astronauts had reported been gone two days within this extra dimension and described a paradise, even speaking of beings with unexplainable abilities, able to control weather, creatures, objects, and various other things, all with a single thought. It was believed that these beings were gods, and so the human race opened a permanent portal to this dimension.
It was through this portal that other planets with intelligent life were discovered, as the gods had shown Earth. No others were in the Milky Way galaxy, but three were found in the Andromeda galaxy and others scattered across the universe. Eventually the three in the Andromeda made contact with Earth and its colonies and soon formed alliances, under the mediation of the gods. Earth was far more advanced technologically than any of the other three, but had lost its magical properties as technology took over, as the other planets had not.
The portal through Paradise had been the sole route to these other planets, but as trade increased over the next two thousand years, neither the Andromeda planets nor Earth and its colonies wished to overburden Paradise with their spaceships, so pushes were being made to discover new ways through. Wormholes had been discovered, outside of galaxies, but any attempt to create one had failed miserably. On Earth's Triton moon colony, an attempt to create one had instead broken Neptune apart with its gravitation and sent Triton into a rogue state, soon breaking off all contact with outside colonies and planets.
All that, that is, if I do decide to go a wormhole disaster route. You might ask, why didn't the gods in Paradise intervene? They weren't able to, not from their dimension, and they didn't wish to step through.
Which leads us to another question: the planet Morcalia, the largest and most advanced of the three Andromeda worlds, had a god in flesh living on it. Why didn't he intervene?
Simple answer: He tried but was unable to do what was desired. His powers away from Morcalia waned, to the point that by the time he reached Earth's closest colony, a large moon to a gas giant planet about five hundred thousand light years away from Earth, he had no divine powers left.
(I know certain things sound inconsistent; warp speed ships without being able to control gravity to a point to create a wormhole? If anyone has suggestions on how to go about this, I am indeed listening.

Oh, and by the way, this isn't meant to be science fiction; this here is simply a convenient little jump as a reason to both abandon Morcalia and create a new planet at the same time.