Want To Get Those Creative Juices Flowing?

Perhaps it's the way alcohol lowers inhibitions. Writers risk rejection like a fourteen-year-old boy with a crush on the hottest blonde in his class; if she even knows he exists, she thinks of him in the same way she thinks of the time she stepped in doggy doo.

Alcohol can fix a little problem like that! :p
Ah, so that's what those old books mean when they mention a character stepping out with someone. (And then, when they mention showing a clean pair of heels....)
It's not about the alcohol as such, it's just that we need to be less stressed to be creative

Alcohol is overrated. Sure it's fun once in a while, but certainly in the UK, there is a competitive drinking culture, and people associate drinking with a good time, even though when their experiences are viewed objectively, they have actually had a terrible time. Getting in fights, getting injured falling over in the streets, losing a whole day or more to illness/hangover the next day and building up long term medical problems

Would it be better to have two fully productive days without alcohol or one day with slightly elevated productivity and the next day wasted?

I don't think that attitude is contained to just the UK, we get the same thing over here, especially with young people. Always fun :rolleyes: trying to convince them that they don't need another drink, when they can't even stand, or think about the drink they actually want, let alone put the words together to ask for it - time for the taxi call.

Of course, none of us in this thread were implying that you should drink so much alcohol that you got that drunk from it. ;)

But you're right with the stress comment, that's what I was saying in my previous post. If something makes you relax, and 'de-stress' it will work exactly the same as having a few drinks (not a whole brewery ;) )
