GRRM ruined a song of ice and fire by killing too many good characters

Series you might want to check out

The Malazan series by Steven Erickson
Kagan the Damned by Jonathan Maberry
The First Laws Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie
I second The First Law (no S) Trilogy.
Either he's had to rewrite it, or he's been put off the idea altogether.

But it's been thirteen years since the release of the last book, and it's rare for there to be such a gap in any series, and for that to be a good thing.
I am thinking more and more that he's secretly rewriting it because admitting to rewriting would bropen him to a whole new criticism.
I second The First Law (no S) Trilogy.

I am thinking more and more that he's secretly rewriting it because admitting to rewriting would bropen him to a whole new criticism.

In the eatlier seasons, the spectacular CGI-laden action/battle scenes were reserved for special events, and were usually the payoff as the culmination of the plot and intrigue that had led to that point.

Whereas the last two or three seasons seemed to be more like a load of these spwctacular scenes, with the dialgue and storyline taking a back seat.

The thing is, it was the storyline - and not the action scenes - that made the show so successful in the first place.


The problem with success is that people expect the same or better quality. I imagine it would be difficult to go from being called the GOAT to being called a fraud.
I am convinced that GRRM has written himself into a corner and has no idea how to get out of it.
I am convinced that GRRM has written himself into a corner and has no idea how to get out of it.

That sounds about right.

In any event with the series ended what can he do other then follow the events and ending in the tv series in any subsequent book that he might right ?
One thing with less Starks to cheer on is that the remaining stars are getting to that young parent period. Perhaps one (or their spouse) will be pregnant in the end. For a more hopeful end.
It wouldn’t surprise me though if there were two children born. One claimed but another a ******* and secretly adopted. That would fit the theme. Particularly if one parent is a Targ.
That sounds about right.

In any event with the series ended what can he do other then follow the events and ending in the tv series in any subsequent book that he might right ?
Yes, I read that he said the books will follow the series.
I have not gone back to reread the entire thread, but I think the main problem throughout is the expectations of the readers and the intention of George Martin. Most of us want a surprisingly good ending, a moral ending, or a fairy tale ending. Martin's objective is to say that war is bad. In order to keep us reading, Martin makes us like his characters before killing them to drive home his point. Martin begins with the familiar trappings so we assume his agenda will be with which we are familiar..... and when we don't, we're dissapointed.
Personally, I think he's simply stuck and has no idea how to continue the series. No great plan, no conspiracy - he's simply unsure how to go forward, and I think the warning signs of this becoming a problem were visible as early as 2005. Maybe that's me speaking with the benefit of nearly a decade-and-a-half of hindsight (I first read the series in 2019, never watched the show), but I still stick to it.

A Feast For Crows and A Dance With Dragons broaden the scope of the story tremendously and don't move the plot forward all that much. So now there's got two books' worth of extra characters and plotlines for Martin to juggle on top of the extant plots and characters from the first three. GRRM seems to be looking for a way to neatly tie up everything within two books, when I doubt such a way realistically exists.

Hence his being stuck.

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