But you rarely hear a dry stone waller saying they were scared by the learning process. Exhausted, enthused, confused - possibly.
Might "exhaustion, enthusiasm and confusion" be scary at times? Just a thought.
You owe nothing to your characters.
No more than an artist might owe to half-formed sculpture. But then, a sculpture might become something unique, one of a kind, special, with a life of it's own separate from the artist.
You're entitled to your opinion. Sometimes, I think a few people need to pull themselves together. But that's just my opinion.
Sometimes people do need to "pull themselves together". More often they benefit from a degree of empathy, together with support and strategies to bolster self-belief.
Saying to someone "you need to pull yourself together" is insensitive – it will often make them feel like a failure, only further damaging self-belief.
That said, I agree that for some people, writing is easier than for others.
Absolutely, hence empathy again, and understanding that what isn't so hard, or isn't scary for some, can be very hard and scary for others.
I'm a mental health professional, an athlete, I have a first-class BAHons degree. I've accomplished much without being scared. Writing fiction, however, is the most challenging thing I have attempted, hence the apprehension. Fair enough, I think.