I agree with our kid Peter fromt North here. In far-future stories, I assume that everyone is a kind of brownish and/or so similar in outlook and background as for it not to matter.
I have a character who I know for certain to be black, but it isn't relevant to the story so it hasn't been mentioned at all. Similarly, there is one who may be gay - it doesn't make a lot of difference when your main activity is carrying out commando missions. Likewise religion: it's tacitly assumed that everyone does their own thing quietly and without fuss, and if they don't, they can join the generic crazy-hate religion established for exactly that purpose. The most important virtues - moral fibre and spiffingness - are shared by all.
Also, of course, there's not a lot of need for inter-human bigotry in the future. Being slightly different pales into insignificance when your enemy is bright red, has four arms and breeds in a test tube.