Losing yourself when reading

Actually I disagree I think Dumbledore's sexuality played a huge part in the Harry Potter stories.

Really? May I ask how? To me it was an irrelevant detail, which is why it was quite rightly no trumpeted in the text. That said, the reader reseponse model is entirely subjective, so if you felt it was a big issue, I'd love to explore that further.


I agree with our kid Peter fromt North here. In far-future stories, I assume that everyone is a kind of brownish and/or so similar in outlook and background as for it not to matter.

I have a character who I know for certain to be black, but it isn't relevant to the story so it hasn't been mentioned at all. Similarly, there is one who may be gay - it doesn't make a lot of difference when your main activity is carrying out commando missions. Likewise religion: it's tacitly assumed that everyone does their own thing quietly and without fuss, and if they don't, they can join the generic crazy-hate religion established for exactly that purpose. The most important virtues - moral fibre and spiffingness - are shared by all.

Also, of course, there's not a lot of need for inter-human bigotry in the future. Being slightly different pales into insignificance when your enemy is bright red, has four arms and breeds in a test tube.

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