It isn't just the fruit cases who do that, Cyber.
After saying that no-one could repeat Armstrong's achievement of "being the first person to set foot on another planet(sic)", the anchorman** on BBC News 24 today asked the person he was interviewing, "Couldn't Armstrong have done more?" in terms of being a public figure. (Inspiring a generation, and then following that up with real work at NASA and in science education, is, obviously, slacking.)
Well, I suppose Armstrong could have become an idiot newscaster, but that's not something anyone can do....
** - The same one, I think, who when interviewing a female scientist about communication between chimpanzees spent half the interview trying to get her to make monkey noises. (Even his co-presenter was embarrassed by his behaviour.) I doubt, though, that this goading replaced the asking of any intelligent questions. *shakes head*