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Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

Instantaneous Insight on Coprolite

The Ministry of Historical Retrieval
Seemed stuck in times medieval.
A flash of insight,
A dial set just right,
Retrieved some Cretaceous material.

The scientists all gagged.
The assistants all sagged.
The most junior was sent
With plugged nose he went
To ensure the sample was bagged.

Like the “do” of most species,
Dinosaur plop is greasy.
The smell is intense.
There is no defense.
Therefore, fossilized is the best kind of feces.

Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

The Dinosaurs

The years ran nonsensically surging amid undulating rivulets.

United souls rebounded existentially, trying, reaching in certain rapturous attainment to perceive something of tomorrow.

Omnivoropteryx gasped, “Oh, so all us reptiles ultimately smashed by a meteor!
“But in response a perfectly terrible other race will ascend.”

Diplodocus howled unrestrained, “Really? So terrible! I am vexed! Look closely it resists analysis! Pigeonhole this outlandish replacement.

Shopping Trolley enigmatically gave only stillness. Simply an unmoving reflection. Unborn steel.
Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

The Size of Walnuts

“Do I smell fried pterodactyl wings?”

“I wanted to make you something nice for dinner, especially with the Council this week.”

“Today was better. Professor Rex has synthesized this black liquid. It’s a completely renewable fuel source”.

“Amazing what he can do with those tiny arms and hands.”

“There’s also a giant space rock heading this way. Professor Trice gave a long speech about it destroying life on the planet. Now who could believe that!?"

Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

Alien versus Predator

Underneath an exotic sun, it stretched to its full height. Centuries of science had culminated in this: the ultimate killing machine; a bio-engineered marvel; a parasite which could destroy an entire species without fear or conscience.

Its time was now. Its –

Why was it getting dark?



"What was that?"

Rex lifted the picnic basket. "Just some bug. Ham sandwich?"

Tricsy rolled her eyes. "Oh, Rex. You know I'm a vegetarian."
Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

Volatilia Ad Sibi Similia

'Back in my day, dinosaurs were scary.'

'Grandpa, shh!'

Their guide led them through a clearing as a flock of brightly-feathered avimimus raced by.

'I'm just saying, they all look like oversized parakeets nowadays.'

A carcharodontosaurus, nightmarish in raven-black plumage, crashed through the trees. It roared at the group, its warm breath fetid with rot.


'Don't worry, gramps -- it's virtual, remember?'

'It might be, but the load in my pants sure isn't.'
Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

The joys of shopping

'Stop playing about and put your spike guards on.'


'Steve. Spike guards.’


'Steve! Spike guards! Now.'


'Put that back on the shelf right now.'


'No ray guns Steve.'


'Steve just...just don’t touch anything. Please?


'Honestly Steve, anyone would think you were a raptor.'


'If that is all you are going to say today, then at least pronounce it properly:



‘Good. Now sit in the trolley.’
Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

Family For Life

“What changed, Jones?”

“I have survived wars, dabbled in forgeries, flipped double agents, destroyed embassies, dodged bullets…and even caught one or two. Toppling empires with only words is child’s play and eluding you guys, even easier. But finding the time between all of these ventures…I fell in love.”

“But, why give up everything? Why get caught?!”

“She wanted me…to meet…the mother…”

“Hello, Jones…” The raspy tone slid through his bones and clasped his balls.

Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

In the Beginning

Louis was 20 feet tall and smelled faintly of kippers. He was sat on a small mound of earth, dangling his claws into the sea and sulking.

“Sorry, old chap!” Noah yelled above the roar of the Ark’s plasma engines.

Louis scowled.

“We could have made it work you know, put you in the hanger bay, maybe given you a bath. But rules are rules and eating Big Foot just wasn’t on. Best of luck!”
Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

Where's my other liquorice allsort?

A Qwillion tonne freighter named Thunder Lizard powered through space.

Known as the Shopping Trolley to the crew, it contained a planet’s annual sustenance.

The ship’s janitor was a cyborg tasked to maintain the stock.

It was the food zoo that occupied his waking hours.

Daily, he fed the fresh produce, pushing his arm through the cage and teaching the ‘raptors to play fetch.

‘Clever girl’, he cooed when the female finally returned his arm.
Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012


Dr. Jansen uncovered the remnant of a velociraptor skeleton. There was something fossilized next to it.

Jansen rubbed his eyes and stared. The object looked like a tool. But that was impossible; the velociraptor was 50 million years old.

A loud noise shattered Jansen's contemplation. He fell over; the sudden sound had destroyed his composure.

He opened his eyes at the sound of laughter; Malin, his research assistant stood over him.

"Gotcha, boss!" exclaimed Malin.
Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

Famous Last Words.

“What’s that on your foot?” T-Rex M
ère asked. “And there’s blood all over the floor!”

“Oh that!” P
ère replied, “It’s just another of those stupid mice.”

“I’ve even seen them in the larder, stealing our food!”

“They’re becoming a real nuisance now. What earthly use could they be? Those pests will never amount to anything!”

“On top of all that, that comet in the sky’s getting bigger!”

ère, that’s the least of our worries!”
Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

Dinosaurs! In a Shopping Trolley!


What is it now?”

....“I've got two of everything you wanted, but....”


....“The dinosaurs -- they wouldn't fit in the shopping trolley.”

(sigh) “Well, go back and get some more humans!”



Now what?”

....“They've flooded -- everything's washed away. These are the last ones!”

“If we use them, we'll never have more. Very well, leave them. Stop at Centauri's and pick up some unicorns.
--And YOU can tell YOUR mother why the menu's changed!”
Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

Dangers of Drink, Number 42: Going Off Your Trolley

Badger’s Drift police station? . . . It’s Mrs Potter . . . Yes, Professor Potter’s wife . . . No, neither of us likes his nickname, the Potty Professor . . . Why am I phoning? . . . My husband’s been drinking
. . . He’s locked himself in his lab and is threatening to switch on his experimental time machine . . . Wait! . . . He’s screaming about bringing an old-time singer to the present day . . . There’s a terrible noise! . . . I don’t understand. Dinah Shore had such a lovely voice. . . .

Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

Cheeky Buggers:

I say mate, the marsupials don’t get on my nerves, it’s those damn primates. Ouch! Watch them teeth Rexy, and you're drooling on me again.

Sorry Trice.

And what’s up with that? Why is he poking his middle finger at me?

Ah Tricy, he’s just showing off, damn proud of those hands they are, especially that opposable thumb thingy.

Grab me a shopping trolley Rexy, I’m gonna eat that cheeky little bugger for dinner tonite.
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Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

The Elder Dragon

"Go on! Go on! Breathe some fire!"​

"All right, stand well back."​

Granpa drew deeply on the cigar. The end glowed brightly, as the air rushed through it, and us kids could barely stand still with excitement.​

Smoke poured from his nostrils, between his teeth and he growled as he exhaled. The smoke burst into flames and singed his eyebrows, moustache and beard.​

Dinosaurs aren't extinct.​

But we had to extinguish him once or twice.​
Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

"Back from patrol so soon? Where are the rest of your men? Are those claw marks?"
"Never mind about that. I need to see your terraforming machine... now"


"It resets the planet's environment to any point in Earth's history. We set it to seventy thousand years ago, before modern humans started messing up.“
“It also resembles a shopping trolley. And this here?"
"Displays the target date"
"Only, that isn't a decimal point"
Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

Reasons Why Dinosaurs and Science Fiction Don't Mix

1. The Dinosaur Union (Carnivore 681) stipulates towels are forbidden under any circumstance.

2. ... Ender has never liked dinosaurs.

3. A Tyranosauras' arms are way too stubby to perform the gom jabbar properly.

4. Captain Kirk once punched a Stegosaurus in the face (little known fact) and they refuse to work with Paramount again.

5. Dinosaurs disapprove of co-ed showers.
Re: 75 WORD WRITING CHALLENGE – September 2012

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