3.02: The Walking Dead - Sick


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
After a traumatic event, a life hangs in the balance. Complicating matters, Rick and his group must also deal with a potential threat to their new surroundings.

:eek: Oooo... exciting. :D

PS. I'm sorry to have this posted so soon, especially since the pilot for the third series hasn't run in the UK, but as I have to take Mrs Ctg to hospital for an operation next Monday, I won't be updating this in the usual time.
Thank you guys. I don't want to hickjack the thread as this is offtopic, but It's just an normal keyhole operation to find out how they (the NHS) can fix the thing that's causing the trouble. It should be just one day operation and I'll post my thoughts on Tuesday.
Well I'm back and I had to leave wife in the hospital, as she just woke up an hour before the visitors hours finished. The doctor said that they fixed everything they could, and now it's up for her to see if it's working. So I have to say that I'm absolutely loving the NHS "Do no harm" system. But that's that, and here we are with the episode two, and already it's flying like no before. The pacing is just right. And I have had amazing amount of the headshakes.

And giggles. Let's not forget them as they're the essential part of the zombie lore.

The beginning of them leaving with the Hershel in the food trolley was absolutely brilliant. And it was kind of surprise to that the inmates didn't knew what has been happening at the outside. But that's the thing, you cannot just take everything and expect that some people, like prisoners, are so institutionalised, that they would expect the government to be on the point even though what they've seen with their own eyes is evident, that the our civilisation has broken. It's no more.

But there's ricktatorship and it's working. The group is working as one body, one mind. And only thinking the present situation as it is. And there comes Carl, who's absolutely brilliant. He does what the boys are supposed to do and you can only imagine what's he going to be like when he's in twenties. Tougher than Daryl?
Hope your wife, ctg, feels better soon. Being in the hospital is not much fun. Now onto the show: my wife and I thoroughly enjoyed episode 2. This show just gets better and better. SPOILER ALERT: Obviously, Rick is in charge and he wants to make sure all outsiders know it (since the people in his group have fully accepted it). Rick is much more willing now to eliminate real and perceived non zombie threats to the lives he's protecting, but yet he doesn't kill humans carelessly. Rick had to take Tomas out (he was the leader of the prisoners) and then he let Andrew make new zombie friends out in the yard. I knew Rick was going to kill Tomas at some point, but I was still a little shocked when the machete to the skull came so quickly. Good point about Carl. He has changed quite a bit as well. He seems to be more focused on contributing to the group and yes, he is becoming very tough.
Tomas kill made me smile as he was a look alike to the comic version of the Governor. It was an iconic moment to the comic fans, but even then, the TV is NOT the same as the original work. It might dig a few things from here and there, but we have seen that things happen a way much differently in the TV universe. But where's the armoury and does the prisons in the US has their own backup generators?
Tomas kill made me smile as he was a look alike to the comic version of the Governor. It was an iconic moment to the comic fans, but even then, the TV is NOT the same as the original work. It might dig a few things from here and there, but we have seen that things happen a way much differently in the TV universe. But where's the armoury and does the prisons in the US has their own backup generators?

Heh i did think about that too, a younger version look wise but still.

I did think the way they dealt with the prisoners while not like in the comics it is very exciting tv and improvment on first ep. Rick is changing and becoming darker by having to deal with all these amoral humans, the challenges of making his group survive.

This is how Rick should have been in Season 2.

Nice to hear your wife is doing better, off topic or not thats very good news.
Mrs Ctg says, "Thank you so much for all the wishes. You're so kind."

So "Thank you," and thank you from me as well.

I'm quite surprised that nobody has mentioned T-Dog as he's been on the screen as if someone clued him on the stage. But I don't know if he's already extended his last season quota of dialogue lines. What do you reckon?
Another great episode

After a slow second season they are now moving faster than in the comics.

Personally I prefer the way they dealt with dealing with the prisoners they met over the way it was dealt with in the comics. They seemed too trusting in that situation in the comics.
Another great episode

After a slow second season they are now moving faster than in the comics.

Personally I prefer the way they dealt with dealing with the prisoners they met over the way it was dealt with in the comics. They seemed too trusting in that situation in the comics.

Wouldn't say so. It was quite obvious that these people weren't prepared to negotiate. And as Tomas pissed away his chance, Rick just exercised his Ricktotorship and executed the prisoner. The black young dude panicked, so he was next in the line.
And I'm back!

Well, I was not expecting an episode like that. Although it was suspiciously easy for the group to get a rattling trolley across Walker territory back to their cell block without really getting noticed, I'm glad that my fears about them being stuck there didn't come to pass.

I then thought that Rick and Tomas would end up clashing heads for at least a few episodes, and despite the attempted beheading and game of zombie tag, Rick taking action so quickly completely threw me off balance - those months on the outside since the last series have really changed him. It's good to see that he's stopped feeling conflicted about everything, but it can't last long before people start to abandon him.

I had hoped that Hershel would succumb, and when he looked like he had I was frantically shouting at Lori to "GET AWAY, DAMMIT!", but it didn't come to pass. I guess that means I get negative points.

Other points (Carl, for instance) have already been mentioned.

I'm looking forward to the next episode!
We really enjoyed it in the Perp household.

I'm always quite impredded with the special effects, the way it is easy to take for granted the number of walking dead and the speed with which they are dispatched needs to be noted.

There they are lumbering together in groups, actors under heavy makeup and then they get an arrow through the head, and there seems to be no break as the arrow goes right through, heads disintegrate and they go down and along comes the next one.

I some times wonder about the extras.

Like Lenny said I was waiting for Hershel to buy it, and was surprised when he didn't. I did wonder whether it might be a way of defeating the virus. If a person 'dies' and is resuscitated before they 'awake' could it over-ride the virus.

(I've not read the comics so just pondering on what I have seen on screen)

All in all another excellent episode.
You guys were not alone in Hershel action and when Lady MacBeth went and started resuscitating her, I thought for a moment that she's going to get bitten and ... well, the look on their faces was fantastic.
I have a theory about Hershel. If you noticed when he regained full consciousness he put his arm up for Rick, not his daughters. The look of happiness on Rick's face was a revelation, it was the first time he had that look for a long time in the series. I think Hershel is important to Rick maintaining his sense of humanity. Hershel will be Rick's concision. The relief when he removed those cuffs was palpable on Rick's face.

On revelations it was quite an episode. Carl was brilliant. In this new world there is no time for childhood games and Carl is looking like he is a 'chip off the old block'. Daryl continues to be a big surprise showing his sympathy for the surviving prisoners and his rise as Rick's trusted second-in-command. I am also beginning to like Carol's story arc. I think the producers have found her niche and they needed to.

Rick's wife is another matter. I am still undecided, but the words she had with Rick before he left with the prisoners were very telling. What was more telling was how he responded.

Overall this series is compelling and it is going to be way too short. I want at least a 24 episode series.
I have a theory about Hershel. If you noticed when he regained full consciousness he put his arm up for Rick, not his daughters. The look of happiness on Rick's face was a revelation, it was the first time he had that look for a long time in the series. I think Hershel is important to Rick maintaining his sense of humanity. Hershel will be Rick's concision. The relief when he removed those cuffs was palpable on Rick's face.

On revelations it was quite an episode. Carl was brilliant. In this new world there is no time for childhood games and Carl is looking like he is a 'chip off the old block'. Daryl continues to be a big surprise showing his sympathy for the surviving prisoners and his rise as Rick's trusted second-in-command. I am also beginning to like Carol's story arc. I think the producers have found her niche and they needed to.

Rick's wife is another matter. I am still undecided, but the words she had with Rick before he left with the prisoners were very telling. What was more telling was how he responded.

Overall this series is compelling and it is going to be way too short. I want at least a 24 episode series.

I agree, I think for whatever reason, Rick's sort of identified Hershel as someone that he looks up to and he's going to be the one the Rick holds onto in order to maintain something even with all the evolving into a colder person he's going to have to do in order to keep the group safe.

Carl is getting a little better, at least they haven't had him running off everywhere when he's been told to stay in the house (yet, we're not too far in...). However, they're going to have to either say something or just let things roll where they may in regards to his age. In the comics, the character is 9 and Chandler Riggs is like 13.

Daryl is always a surprise. I've loved watching him evolve from the redneck who didn't really care about anyone but himself (and possibly his brother). Since the writer's have decided to bring Merle back though, it's going to be difficult for him. I think the aspect of Daryl we're seeing on the show is who he actually is, but with a brother like Merle, he wasn't really able to actually be that person. Hopefully Merle coming back won't cause him to revert back to his old self...
I've been enjoying Daryl's evolution as a character as well. In fact I'd probably say that he has slowly becoming my favourite character on the show..

Last year when he began hallucinating that Merle was with him, I found it intriguing, worrying and a little scary. It is obvious that Daryl held an awful lot by his brother, and that particular sequence told an awful lot and could be read in so many ways that it added a depth to the character (and some serious talent from the writers).

It seemed that he was breaking free from his brother and the hold he had on him, allowing him to really start blossoming, so the fact that the real thing will be back is more than a little inriguing - and seeing what it does to Daryl is going to be a source of incredible tension. (I hope).
I agree, i just did not even think of a connection like that until you mentioned it. Pure genius.
