I have considered it and I will probably go that way now they are more sensibly priced. I have just put a new powerful server into our lab which has a 300G SSD for the OS and a 6T (2x3T RAID) for our data. You don't want to know about our backups and archive arrangements in the lab! This is the first time we've used an SSD, frankly it doesn't make much difference to the speed (our bottle neck is data access and the SSDs simply aren't big enough at a sensible price for our data needs yet) but it does seem like a more robust solution for a laptop.
I probably won't do the replacement before it goes. I maintain full backups of the data partition and images of the OS partition. So I can recover from a complete HD failure within an hour or two.
I probably won't do the replacement before it goes. I maintain full backups of the data partition and images of the OS partition. So I can recover from a complete HD failure within an hour or two.