Julie Czerneda's first fantasy


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2008
Up the clum
Already like Julie Czerneda's science fiction (especially the Mac books, but like all of them). Anyway, her first fantasy novel is now out, mine has just been delivered and is next on my reading list. I first heard of Julie C on here, so one for the fans and one for folks fancying something new.

Incidentally, I was initially put off by the price, but then I noticed it is 854 pages long so bought it - and yes it is a thumping great foot crusher. Just mentioning in case anyone goes to look at it and thinks "how much?"
Well her sf isn't :)

The Species Imperative series has one MC who is a biologist studying salmon migration in a protected Canadian wilderness (of the future). Does an excellent job of describing researchers and how they really are, as opposed to how they are so often mis-shown on TV. Then all goes to pot in her study as a large alien walks upriver through a salmon spawning run totally spoiling the data.
The alien wants to call on her expertise. (Various races of aliens - this is not a first contact situation.)
Well, since the thread is already here..... (yes I know I started it :) ) I just have to add, that a few minutes ago I opened the cover (ta da) and there are three maps inside (I think nicely drawn btw). Now, me, maps in fantasy, bit take it or leave it. Looked at them idly and noticed a scale, as all good maps should have.

First map - shows all the domains - the scale is labelled "a day's travel by oxcart"

Second map - shows a village and the surrounding hills, river and road - the scale is labelled "a fifteen minute walk"

Third map - the street plan of the village with the houses, trees, gardens marked - the scale is labelled "a well thrown apple"

I like that. How often have I spent time writing fantasy trying to decide what is a reasonable day's journey. So had to share the thing about the scales before continuing.

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