The Nine Billion Names of God


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2013
I finally acquired these hc and pb First Editions and for the first time, I read the 9 billion story.... what a great short story!


I am a recent very impressed fan of Arthur C. Clarke.

I am putting together a small personal collection of his books.

Does anyone know if the Amereon House edition of The Nine Billion Names of God ever was printed in violet covers with gold letters? It is pictured that way at Amazon. But the copy sent to me was red with white letters.
I see more of a burgundy color than a violet one on that Amazon listing. I hate ordering books from them... most of their book listings are wrong, incomplete, or have no details.

But I think I found the book you're looking for.... here
You must send me the hard back immediately! It belongs to me!!!!
Look at my name here!!!!!!
Also I joint this forum way before you so that proves it's mine right ?

So the sole purpose of existence is to list the 9000000000 possible combinations of His name.
That's a wee bit egotistical don't you think?
He could have saved a lot of time and trouble by investing in an Apple.
Or did He?????
So the sole purpose of existence is to list the 9000000000 possible combinations of His name.
That's a wee bit egotistical don't you think?
He could have saved a lot of time and trouble by investing in an Apple.
Or did He?????
Careful what you write, I think I see the stars going out one by one!
I thought it was a bit too "cute" a concept; I don't especially rate it tbh. As clever device/idea stories go, Asimov's Last Question is far superior.
How about this for mind blowing, heard it on the radio the other day.
Imagine an infinitely large bath tub filled with bubble bath.
Each bubble is a Universe.
