If the movies are good they will be watched and make a lot of money. If they aren't, they won't. So what?
Of course, I do speak from the standpoint of someone who saw STAR WHORES as the Thing from Hollywood that set SF back to the late 30's when it was JUST beginning to crawl out from the ghetto that some of the best writers of the first half of the the 20thc had lanquished in for two decades, and in the end actually KILLED the transcendent genius that was Philip K. Dick on the very eve of the success even it couldn't block from him forever.
But what the hell do I know. I only read an article in Psychology Today written 6 months after SW was released that practically OUTLINED the plots of the next two movies. I only remember theatres bursting into laughter when the DeathStar was described, ("being able to Destroy a Whole Planet" )
If nobody ever buys even one ticket to the endless sequels for that camp ass satire that turned into a cash cow because everyone just HAD to see it and Mickey is reduced to panhandling cheese outside of JarJar's mansion I'm not going to feel one BIT bad about it.
I know, I know, it's part of your childhood. So's Dr Suess, but we don't write learned treatises on the mythological significance of The Cat in the Hat, do we? (Actually, I think they do, but they're usually in the back stacks of UCLA, not narrated by Bill Moyers interviewing Joseph Campbell)
Y'know who they ought to get to write the next one? G.W.W Martin. Have it start with Luke ordering the death of all babies in the galaxy so nobody can find out that he and Leia really WERE getting it on.