I think the issue of sexism in storytelling is being made a bigger problem than it actually is. Yes, it exists ; yes, somethings need to be changed but there are a lot of things that need to be changed that are more important than this subject.
I recently watched the video series about the tropes vs women in video gaming and it had the same problem too. Yes it's a problem, but you are making it a bigger problem than it actually is. Writing believable(not realistic) characters is more important for example, and if people actually did this, there wouldn't even be an issue of sexism in writing.
Of course, there are a lot of valid points, I really liked the coverflipping thing and I love the Hawkeye Initiative.
I don't know -- it may not be a big problem for
you, but it can be a big problem for
me. Dismissing it as not that big a deal when numerous women are saying, yeah, it's a big deal....isn't so nice? (ETA: So all those death/rape threats, and the 'game' of punching that lady until she gives in are not a problem? They are if you play games because that can
be the reality of playing a game if people know you're female. You want all that, and more, oh so much more, while you're trying to frag some pixels?)
And yes, just writing believable characters would be great as long as they aren't all straight, white guys. Because only having straight white guys in your book is, straight away,
not believable in most circumstances. (Or is all the women are just simpering background etc)
What problems would you say need more attention (and why can't we address them both/all at the same time)? It's an easy one to deal with. Just treat women like real people, with real opinions. See? Done? Try it wit POC and QLTBG too, and there, we're doing great!
Because tbh I'm sick and tired of being told I'm overreacting, or it isn't that important or whatever. That's just another gambit in the poker game of shutting me up*
(*This will never happen btw.)