Star Wars: Rebels

I was also a 'little' bothered by the superior b-wing's secondary gun emplacement at the bottom compared to those from Ep6 ROTJ.

Having a gunnery cockpit at the base was a bit of a leap. I suppose that the alliance has poor funding so they could have streamlined their costing by reducing the cockpit to an auto turret with ion canon.

Also; wth is Poe doing in pre-TFA??

Having a gunnery cockpit at the base was a bit of a leap. I suppose that the alliance has poor funding so they could have streamlined their costing by reducing the cockpit to an auto turret with ion canon.

You have to accept that they had prototypes before it went into production. If you look for example Russian T72 main battle tank, you'll notice that it has gone so many iterations over the years. So, I'd rather believe there's all sort of differences in A,B, X and Y-wing rather than having one singular model. Look at the Star Destroyers. How many different models there are for those?

wth is Poe doing in pre-TFA??

I don't know, but maybe the Black One is like the Millenium Falcon and it had another pilot before it was transferred to Poe's hands.
I see your second point but I wonder how the Rebels were getting all this funding for prototyping. The Empire had no problems with credit line but the Rebels... its starting to stretch credibility for me. (Yes, I am aware I am taking about credibility if a cartoon:D )

all this funding for prototyping.

All these vessels were developed outside the rebel organisation. They don't actually have manufacturing facilities, but the corporations don't have that problem. They have the resources, will and the vision for these ships. Poe's Black One was made by Incom-FreiTek (a starfighter company active in the time of the New Republic). First ones were bought and used by the Republic and not by the rebellion movement.

It's really great to see the rebels backing up Sabine's plan to rescue her father from the Imperial Prison System at the Mandalor's desert. Thing is it isn't just the A-team mission as Sabine has really taken position to be the leader of clans. The position that has roots in the ancient prophesies. The events in the Star Wars happens again and again. Almost as if they're coping our cyclical nature.

Maybe it means that in all universes the laws that govern the life happens to go round and round, without ever seeing the ending. But that is also the thrill of the Star Wars Universe as we get to see the events happening as they were predicted by the Force Gods. Only they aren't really looking over the Imperial side because the moment I'd see hundreds of Mandalorians suddenly appearing on horizon I'd be soiling my stormtrooper pants.


No kidding. They are masters of combat, almost revered in the SW universe as the gods of war. The Jedi's feared them back in the day and for a very good reason, because Mandalorians aren't scared to do their up most in the combat. And if they'd carrying light sabres, they could easily rival the peace keepers of the Force. So I guess Rebels are lucky to have such fearsome warriors on their side against the Imperial oppression. Normal citizens has no say to want they or not Imperials presence in their solar systems. The Emperor will build his things wherever he wants and there's a very little common man can do about. And that's why we are seeing this from the Rebel side, instead of being afraid in the Imperial side on what the bloody rebels has done this time.


I almost missed the introduction of Imperial Assault Troopers carrying a jetback, very similarly modelled, and possibly improved by the Imperial Engineering Core. They are far more nimbler than Mandalorian counter parts, as they can easily give the user more control than using the good old rocket back. One which Ezra wasn't professionally using. Although he has grown so much, he has still so much to learn.


The Mandalorian Jet back has just so much more power that it enables users to hover in the air. We don't know how to do that even though the manned system is deep in the prototype phase. But to compared to the Imperial Technology their stuff seems a bit out dated. Not all need hover over the battlefield. In fact, levitation makes you so vulnerable to the turret fire.

Maybe the clan system makes Mandalore vulnerable as they're stuck in the past without being able to update their technology. But maybe that is the thing in the SW universe as in some point in far, far future there is so much tech that the updates seems unnecessary.

Still, Mandalorians are superior fighting force in all fronts compared to what the Imperium can put on the field. So, while the Emperor forces are technologically superior they lack in everything else. But then again all that technology loses to the Force. The Force users are so much more powerful than anything else. That's why the nature made them to be rare.


To a normal person, even to a soldier this would have been a potentially deathly situation. To a force master, the ideal, as these assault troops are into the world of hurt the moment Kanaan landed his feet on the deck. They had no chance against blind Grey master.

I wonder when he's going to be officially sanctioned as one?

Ezra however, he is still a big question mark. He could still go Sith if he wanted and abandon all the Grey master is trying to teach him. One thing I'm glad is that Kanaan is totally different to Old Man Kenobi. Obi Wan realised too late that he should have done so many things differently with Anakin.

What is really interesting is that the Emperor saw that he would had to use megaweapons in the battle for Heros of Mandalore. Without those force multipliers he could have lost the system so easily. With them, the Emperor can hold on to the Mandalore and force the will of its people.

I cannot believe that Sabine designed Imperium's Super Weapon. The science behind it cannot be simply for causing so much destruction in the battlefield. I'd believe that it would be really nice addition to the Imperial Navy arsenal for doing mass damage on the vessels.

Thing is machines are very vulnerable for heat loading. Grand Admiral Thrawn however could straight away see multitude of uses on the Imperial side. In a way he is a master engineer of destruction through technological terms. Without his vision the Empire would have been much weaker and possible unable to push all those technology updates on the troops.

So, it's not that Sabine designed the damn thing, it's that Thrawn has balls and mind to use it at right places. In fact, Thrawn is the smartest man the Emperor has employed on her side. But the Rebels are the thorn on his side. They won't go away and by that way they keep causing so many problems to the grand Imperium. Without them the Empire would be so much easier to rule and conquer.

The funny thing is that Sabine named the super weapon after her sister as "The Dutches." Almost as if she was really pissed off about her family in her younger years and wanted to destroy them instead of saving her world. Its that hatred that powers the Sith and it is what Palpatine seeds in all worlds through the galaxy.

Another funny fact is that back in the days the Sith tried to use another Mandalorian technology to destroy the galaxy. So in a way Sabine made the right choice when she destroyed the technology. Although she doesn't know that proof of the concept has already been shown to the Official Imperial Authorities.

Did loved the way Sabine is turning to be better princess than what Leia ever was?
Spoilers below.

I must say I was underwhelmed by these two openers. Episode 2 was more compelling but I’m so booooo-horred of the bloody Mandalorians.

The defoliators of Clone Wars and Sabine’s super weapon now in Rebels share too many similarities for this new weapon to really be compelling enough a threat.

Finally, if they’re going to destroy the plans, they better tell Jyn Erso so she can also nab them on scarif:rolleyes:

I wanted fleet battles, more Thrawn, more rebel cells and

Still, it was great to have the show back !


It's good to see the old Rebel post at Yawen IV to make appearance in the show. Little the main band know about its historical context as they have no idea about what is waiting at the future, whenever Luke gets there.

But for now Yawen IV is the main base for the rebels, and I have to say it's far nice location than the Chopper Base, although the land is not as picturestic as what it was before Thrawn landed Imperium troops in there. It is easy to set in the mainset that nothing bad is going to happen there, but we know that's not possible with the Emperor's war raging in the galaxy.

To be honest the Rebels have no choice but to keep on pressure, because the life under the boot isn't nice. The imperium isn't afraid of using slave labour to achieve its goals. So in the terms-of-what-to-do for the rebels in a never ending list as long as the Emperor lives. But they don't voice it, or acknowledge that fact even though Mon Motha takes over the ruling bit and the Agent Fulcrum joins the Rebels band.


I love that we finally get to the setting, where most of the Rebel Alliance planning happens for rest of the time. This might change in the last two movies as a decapitation strike to Yawen 4 would be the end for all their hopes. Still, seeing that holodesk in use at the Rebels is a glorious nod towards the films.


Yawen 4 is the heart of the Rebellion. And Mon Motha the rightful ruler for this movement. She understands the bigger picture almost as well as the Grand Admiral Thrawn. There is a very little that escapes her attention. But that clarity escapes Ezra's attention. He has a burning desire to serve his people at Lothal, almost making him equal on that desire as what Anakin felt towards her mother.

If the Imperium would use the superweapons against Lothal, Ezra could possibly turn through anger and abandon whole Jedi ideology that Kanaan tries to pour into him. Even though he is the unnamed Grey master and they have totally different philosophy towards life than Jedi or the Sith.

It's that anger which fuels Saw Garerra. He wants to strike where it hurts, while Mon Motha serves for greater good, moving pieces one at the time, while considering the balance of things.


Ghost's crew had it good when they were on their own, because back then they could be really rebellious, where as the organised resistance is totally opposite. In the long term, the rebels could have done two more seasons and deepening the lore through missions serving the Yawen 4 and the Rebel High Command, but it might have been quite boring for the viewers. This way, by showing them doing important missions, the Rebels is doing real good job on structuring time between the Rise of the Sith and Rogue One/New Hope.

In fact forget Rogue One for now as it hasn't happened yet.


I laughed at Chopper's hard landing. That droid never gets it easy. To be honest they should have used the jetpacks much sooner instead of landing like noobs. I recommend everyone trying hard landings in the Kerbal Space Program. It is not easy to do drops and get landing right without something exploding, because it takes skills to do such thing. As a comedy value Chopper's landing was pure 10. LOL


The Advanced Tie Fighters as cruiser escort doesn't make sense. The only way it'd make sense if they would be deployed into whole Imperial fleet as a Tie fighter replacement. Rebels call them Tie Defenders even though classes serve as air superiority interceptors.

They are capable of doing better than their pilots. But they cannot outmatch Force powers. You have to be extraordinary pilot for being able to survive blind fight against the force users. Although if I'm real nerd, Advanced Tie Fighters should carry better sensors to really give their pilots an edge.

So maybe it's a good thing that the Imperial Engineers has lost some sensibility for working with Ultra Technology. Do you agree?

I should have seen that Saw Gerrera were going to interfere Rebels mission. His proposition of interfering in the Imperial black ops was too good thing for Ezra and Sabine to deny, while Chopper gladly used his vote for the opposition.

If you look from his angle the Rebellion would never happen, or it would happen in extreme long timescale that's not suitable for the human lifespans. In the galactic timescale slow robot rebellion might be possible as we wouldn't be able to see it happening on the macro scale.

In the Micro Scale we get to see Saw Gerrera getting a hint about the Emperor's secret weapon from the people he rescued. Without them, he would be still trying to find the crucial information on the Death Star. The Cyber Crystal is just a cherry on top of the cake.


You don't get what it's destined for from seeing it. It's just a massive crystal that holds and focus Force Energy. In that sense the Death Star is truly the ultimate weapon as it makes it main weapon to be massive light sabre that can bore in the heart of planets and kill them.

In the real science terms that makes sense more than before. Back then we imagined that the Death Star holds enormous engine, while the truth is that the Cyber Crystals act as the force multipliers. Mega scale.

The interesting thing is that you cannot feel their destruction through the Force even though it should sent out an impulse through the Force network. In some way Force users should be able to use them as navigational beacons. Maybe even things that able to store eons history.


Nevertheless, they are capable of vaporizing Star Destroyers. And that is a not a small feat.Still Rebels brings the best SW fantasy in the small screen.
I can feel the energy in the episodes starting to build now. It feels like all the threads are coming together.

Part I was great fun, but Part II I had a few issues with. Saw using the stun setting on the guards, and then the Deathtroopers basically took a knee. They seem to have the potential to actually be the elite troopers, but they end up being no better than the rest.

There are two short trailers for the next two episodes at
New Clips and Images from the Next One-Hour Block of Star Wars: Rebels Revealed
All these vessels were developed outside the rebel organisation. They don't actually have manufacturing facilities, but the corporations don't have that problem. They have the resources, will and the vision for these ships. Poe's Black One was made by Incom-FreiTek (a starfighter company active in the time of the New Republic). First ones were bought and used by the Republic and not by the rebellion movement.


I had to smile when I watched the latest The Last Jedi trailer when
Poe's X-wing indeed have the SCRAM engine at the back (okay, so I made that up, but it's as good enough a term as any :D )
and I thought 'dammit, he was right!'


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All old favourites are back in this episode. Even the infamous Agent Kallus makes his way to visit old Lothal. It is a bit difficult to think him as a rebel agent than Kallus belonging to the Imperium's Intelligence Service. He could do as a double agent, a pawn that Thrawn forced into Rebels hand to only use him to betray the ragtag army of rebellious galactic citizens. So, I'm glad that he was left in charge of Ghost while his copilot is Captain Rex.

What is strange is that there is no chatter about the Death Star or the fact that the scoopy gang destroyed a Khyber Crystal as Ezra takes the gang through pirate smuggling routes to Lothal. But when you first see it, the planet isn't it's usual blue and purple, but instead it looks as if the Emperor has used some sort of super weapon to gull the rebellion.


When you see the burned landscape its very evident that the war is changing. It is becoming more violent and destructive with every generation. Life means nothing. There is no remorse about what happened in the Imperial Fleet. To them there are only targets to be destroyed or conquered by the ever larger Emperor's army.


In fact there's not many citizens left from the devastation. The Emperor has executed them and those who are left are either hiding or in trouble as the stormtroopers patrol on the streets. Anyone who's found the be rebel sympathizer will get executed. All of that makes life difficult and I haven't been so scared for the rebels survival for a long time.

One mistake and game is over. No replays.


I loved Zeb's costume. It was marvellous attempt to hide his features, but there is nothing he can do to the shear size of his bulky mass. Zeb will always be a big one. Kanan's and Hera's sweet moment in the midst of hiding from the stormtroopers was taken out the Casablanca. And it was pure gold even if it was just a fleeting moment. Hera has never looked more beautiful.


Although the episode is titled as Flight of the Defender, the most intriguing detail about it deals with Ezra's animalism. The wolf he has seen in couple of last episodes turns to be his totem animal, and almost rival to Bentu. In fact, you get to witness the Wolf saying: "Sleep" and forcing Sabine to go limb as if she's suddenly a ragdoll.

No Jedi nor Sith has used their powers to turn others off. But in the same time, no other force user has actually produced a Force familiar to our knowledge. There might be things in the Expanded Universe that deals with Animalism and Force Shamanism, but I would believe no other has got familiars. The Loth-Wolf certainly is one, but it's not because of his intelligence, but because of everything he does after Ezra and Sabine bails out from doomed Tie Defender.

The actual vessel is quite different to the legacy Tie Fighter as it backs Four Dual Ion Cannos, Two Medium Ion Cannons and a compliment of concussion missiles or proton torpedoes. It is as agile as a normal fighter, but unlike the fleet screening vessel, Tie Defender also comes for some reason with its own hyper drive. If this vessel is meant as a brawler, it comes with strange specs, like the hyperdrive.

But that's thing. Tie Defender is a machine, soon to be destined to be obsolete as times move forward and the Emperor meets his doom. Ezra's Shaminism however shows about the power of the Force. In theory the Loth-Wolf is also a proof about Ezra being directly connected to planet and it's destiny. As a testing ground, maybe it even produced the force familiar and sent him out to find Ezra - the Champion force user for Lothal.

Dave Filoni said he was going to wrap things with this final season, before he was going to move on the secret project that Disney has kept quiet about for a while. I didn't knew that the Scoopy Gang's homeplanet was going to be so heavily involved as they had no choice but to leave it to the Imperial hands.

In absence of rebels main tools for that corner of galaxy the Imperium has been extremely busy. The most shocking fact is that they're strip mining Lothal for all of it's valuable resources, and while they're doing it, they're destroying the planet. What is surprising is Ezra's connection to the planetary spirit, which manifest around as a trio of highly intelligent Lothwolves. In other words they are Force Spirits.

To the movie audience, the Force Creatures haven't even made an entrance, but for us these super powerful beings are becoming a norm. I wasn't surprised when the trio used power to transport rebels core members to another side of the planet, because in their universe it could possibly happen.

Yoda and other Jedi masters never talked about it. The Sith don't have a clue, but if Kanan is the Grey Master and Ezra his apprentice, the Greys has most knowledge about these things outside Anakin's experiences in the Force dimension. For our knowledge he and Old Man Kenobi are the only people ever to meet true Force Gods during the clone wars. But using the Gaia theory as an analogue, Lothal has a great spirit living it, and so did the Chopper base, in form of Batu.

The Lothwolves however talk very differently to Kanaan and Ezra as they've been involved into the history for a long time. Possibly through the whole human existence on Lothal. The walls are telling the story of Ezra's ancestors, but in the same time they speak the history of Jedi's.


If you look closely on lower left corner you see Yoda on the wall. Which begs a question, what does he really know and what he has forgotten or what the Force hasn't revealed? The intriguing bit is that Force knows creatures true names as the Wolf called Kanaan with his real name "Doom" before he departed and left the pair alone in the ancestral home.


Thing is Lothal is beyond salvage. It is truly beautiful planet, but at this point, there is less hope for it then there is hope for Mandalore to survive Emperor's Wrath. Funny thing is that the Emperor is utilizing the Mining Guild's Ore-Crawlers to build material for his ultimate weapon, the DeathStar.


It is a sub context they never mention, but it is quite obvious that they're doing to feed something massive. Tie-Defender project is just a side node. The Imperial Factory would have to be humongous to use all that material for creating Imperial Navy a brawler. One that might had been useful, if it had been utilised in the battle over Lothal.

Hera's mission through the blockage with two dozen fighters was always a suicide job for the most of rebel pilots. Grand Admiral's Thrawn's fleet has more vessels than what the Emperor used to shield his "moon" over Yandor. The planetary entry itself against swarm of tie fighters was the last tick.


She shouldn't have ever planned that mission, but leave Kanaan and Ezra behind the enemy lines. In Lothal that line is too deep. The only real choice rebels has is to use capital ships and tens of thousands of troops to relief that planet. But that's the thing, the Rebel command doesn't have numbers or ships to do any major operations. So losing all those X and Y-wings on this foolish mission must hurt rebels ability to do anything serious for a while.

What is surprising is that the Great Spirit knows this as it uses the white wolf to stop Kanaan from rescuing his loved one. Maybe the Force is like time, it has no beginning, no end. But the creatures that live in it can use to manipulate present events. Almost as if Lothal is saving itself by saving the rebels and their force users.

Whatever happens I think Lothal knows it's doomed.
This just made my day so much better. Mid season trailer for end of season 4.

The finale will be an hour and a half long. Can't wait to see how this goes down.
Is anyone else suffering horribly with S4? So good, and so heartbreaking!

The last double episode (12/13) had such beautiful images, but oh my heart — bringing back Ahsoka just to inevitably kill her in the finale was cruel!

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