The plural of gruffalo/Is lamppost two words?

An introduced species that's run amok in the environment here...along with pigs, horses, camels, cats, dogs, foxes, rabbits, sparrows, mynah birds and cane toads...
amazing what tends to spring up running rampant growing all big and happy down there in oz....

one tends to think of australia as being overrun by crocodiles and kangaroos and koalas, not the dread wild kitties overrunning the country. a bit disappointing to think of big game hunters going into the bush with a dish of kitty kitty by crikey!

and on nine of ten web sources it was gruffalos and lamppost.
amazing what tends to spring up running rampant growing all big and happy down there in oz....

one tends to think of australia as being overrun by crocodiles and kangaroos and koalas, not the dread wild kitties overrunning the country. a bit disappointing to think of big game hunters going into the bush with a dish of kitty kitty by crikey!

and on nine of ten web sources it was gruffalos and lamppost.

Jas, a few years ago, a hunter got his photo in the paper. He'd just shot a big cat. So big, he couldn't carry the body back. Leopard or puma sized. But he took photos, and cut off the tail to bring back.

The tail was two feet long.

DNA tests said it was from a domestic cat.

Ain't evolution a wonderful thing? A few generations in the wild, and itty bitty domestic kitties discover there's a distinct advantage to being great big wild kitties at the top of the food chain.
he should have trapped it and called the Guinness people.. :)
but seriously, my cat's tail is twenty inches long. just under two feet. and my cat weighs eight pounds. a cats tail is just a smidge over its total length.. and a twenty inch cat is nothing spectacular.

and i really think that the group name for gruffalos should be a cabinet. i however have no opinion on the group name for lampposts.
DEO, isn't a wallaby that vegan animal that eats roots and leaves? are they very destructive to the bush country or because they are indigenous to the area quickly assimilated?
DEO, isn't a wallaby that vegan animal that eats roots and leaves? are they very destructive to the bush country or because they are indigenous to the area quickly assimilated?

A wallaby is a kind of small kangaroo...indigenous, so adapted to the environment without destroying it...they eat grasses and leaves...

You're thinking of the wombat...also indigenous...kind of like a marsupial badger...built like a Sherman tank...a wombat eats roots and leaves...
wow, a tank? pictures wombat driving a sherman tank through the outback chasing cats and camels and cane toads... being countered by myna birds bombing with bunnies...
uh huh... (well they do call it the land of oz)..
Um... I know the original question has been answered, and there's always a bit of leeway, but please do remember this is a thread in GWD, folks. If you want to discuss marsupials, the Lounge is ready and waiting.

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