Which famous authors do you write like?

Weird...I saw this thread pop up and I pasted something I had written last week.

It said I write like Stephen King...and this is just minutes after I posted on which books of his I have read... ( I only wish I wrote like King )

What, she's not famous enough? Darn... (Give her a few years. :p)

I write like me now. I can't think of anyone quite like me, but when I got here I had lots I wanted to write like. Didn't work out (nor should it have).

Ha! But apparently I'm like James joyce. I'll have that! (It was an Irish one, I'll try the space opera and report back in a mo...)

David Foster Wallace, apparently, with Abendau. (Who?)

I'll stick with I write like me. :D
I was Dan Brown for the 2010 one -- I didn't remember, but I went back and looked.

This time, I tried two pieces of the last Sekrit Santa thing I wrote, and the first part is James Fenimore Cooper, while the second is Rudyard Kipling. That ought to make for a strange story, in itself! :D

OT, what ever happened to digs, anyway? Saw that name in the old thread....
I posted three times and got three different authors.

The first time was an elf making a proclamation, and I got Isaac Asimov.

The second time was dialogue about a political matter, and I got Dan Brown.

The third time was a sex scene, and I got Anne Rice.

I'm not sure if I should be flattered or angry. Well, except for the second one. I definitely do not like that.
The first chapter of my latest book resulted in H.P. Lovecraft. Not necessarily a good thing, but I'm happy with it. *chuckle*
LOL. First piece = Anne Rice (WUUT?)

Second piece = Chuck Palahniuk

Uhh... hmmmm
I got Anne Rice, J-K Rowling, Arthur Clarke (they forgot his C., or is this some other Arthur Clarke of whom I have never heard?) and Anne Rice again, for four very different projects.

I was rather pleased.

(Did I get the "whom" right?)
Yes, the "whom" is right. It goes where you could use "him" instead. "I've never heard of him," if it were turned around. Or "her", but it's easier to remember with "whom" = "him". :)
First time, a chapter I'd been told was quite Blackadder-esque, and it tells me it's like James Joyce.

Second time, Douglas Adams.

Third time, Arthur Clarke.

All the same project, different scenes from different chapters. Not a bad batch all said.
No Way!

I write like Tolkien!!!????

I wanted William Mcilvanney!:(

Edit - second time Ray Bradbury. I'll take that.
ha ha i just put my last 300 word challenge piece on and i came out as PG Wodehouse, which i can kind of see.

not that that is how i realy write at all
David Foster Wallace (of whom I have never heard) for my detectivey thing (not, I might add, the seventy-five word one) and JRR Tolkien for a dragon bit; I suspect it just detected the word 'dragon' and thought 'Fantasy. He'll like that.'
