Which famous authors do you write like?

I got Margaret Atwood for the intro of my sci fi WIP

& J R R Tolkien for the intro of my fantasy WIP

I think it should chuck out some amusing ones like:

You write like Dave from the chip shop
You write like a room full of typewriters and monkeys
You write like a spilled bowl of alphabetti spaghetti
L. Frank Baum. BUT I posed some of Baum's work and it said he writes like Stephen King, haha.
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For my big gay romance I got Cory wossname, same as KMQ. No idea who he is. For the secret Santa I did for springs I got JD Salinger. Looking at the 2010 thread and what I got then, I think I'll stick to my initial assessment of the thing is broken.
Hmmm... I put up my latest critique piece here and it tells me I write like Ian Fleming. :D
3 chapters got William Shakespeare, 3 got Arthur Clarke, another 3 got Douglas Adams and 1 got Mary Shelley. Interestingly I've been very inspired by all of these!

If only my writing was just as good!
I used random passages from my novel and a story. Result: Margaret Atwood, James Joyce and Charles Dickens. But I don't think I write like any of them.
well i just tried something and it seems like i write like Chuck Palahniuk...

i think Chuck Palahniuk should take that as a bit of an insult considering all i wrote was

blah blah blah blah

repeated enough times for the site to recognise it as a paragraph and analyze it....
Well that's certainly interesting, for 3 various parts of my ongoing writing attempt I got myself, L Frank Baum, H P Lovecraft and Cory Doctorow. That could be a bit of a weird mash up.
My latest blogpost got Dan Brown.
A chapter from my WiP got Cory Doctorow.

Whoever that is? :D
Hmm, for the male PoV, I supposedly write like Ursula K LeGuin, and for the female PoV, Cory Doctorow! Actually, the sex/gender split might be kind of accurate.

I don't have much faith in this program somehow. Mindless fun, though, as per the first post. ;)
Hah! I found that another way, and the sample I provided came back as Douglas Adams. I decided I would take that with a nod and not try another sample.
I wanted to check its credibility. So first I used a passage from my story in which the protagonist's name was Kate. Then I used the same passage but changed the name to Betty. And both times it showed different authors!
