Comparing PS4 and Xbox One Launch Lineups

I suspect most people who buy a particular brand do so largely because of habit. I imagine I'd still be buying Segas if they hadn't dropped the ball so badly after the Mega Drive.
The funny thing is that the Xbox 360 was cheaper than the PS3 when it launched. Now the Xbox One which has less power and features than the PS4 is more expensive than the PS4 at launch. Thats sad. And it seems you have to buy Microsoft exclusive accessories where Sony doesnt bother with that.
I'm in the 'wait and see' camp. I'm lucky enough to own a PS3 and Xbox 360 but am a Sony gal at heart. Xmas next year I may be looking to buy either of them, but to be honest, nothing at the moment makes me want to rush out and purchase either console.
Got to admit that so far none of the games that have been released or are about to be released tickle my fancy in the slightest. I think i'll be happy with my PC for now and might even upgrade the GPU with the money I've saved not buying either. Or buy a Wii U *dramatic music*
Tried to get a PS4 today and there aren't any - anywhere. But if you want an XBOX One they're virtually ramming them down your throat. Seems the public have voted with their money and bought the PS4 this Christmas.
A bit late now, but keep an eye on Hot Uk Deals and Stock Informer.
The PS4 sold out straight away but there have been very regular deliveries since then and it's been pretty easy to get them if you try.
They are both available now in the US. I ended up getting an Xbox One with CoD: Ghosts (moderately improved port of the 360/PS3 version) and Forza (amazing). I'm happy with it so far: interface is a big improvement, kinect works really well, graphics are a major upgrade, etc. Only real problem is the underwhelming launch lineup and slim pickings for the next few months on the release schedule (also an issue for the PS4).

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