How is everybody doing?

Jul 9, 2012
seriously in need of beta readers!
Hello Chrons

I have been incredibly busy recently with all kinds of things so I haven't been able to get on here. I've still been writing quite a bit, but I thought it might be good to start a thread and ask how things have been for my fellow chrons members?

How is the writing going? Is it going? Has the muse whispered anything interesting lately?
Bit stop-and-start of late, to be honest.

It's the first time for a while (since the middle of last year, now I think of it) I've written the start of a first draft that's 'serious' fantasy and it's taking me a little while to get into it.

On the plus side, the last two thingummyjigs (a comedy and a ghost story) went fairly well. Hopefully once I've introduced the major characters and set the scene things will flow a bit more easily.

How's your own writing going?
See how casually she dropped that in there? :D

"An agent", even, rather than "my agent". How quickly we get used to the idea....

Knackered for my part. Three books pubbed in three months - I've hardly been writing at all, just editing, editing, editing.

Now I'm thinking about the ABNA, trying to decide which book I should finish off by January to enter it. But I may have run out of steam by then.

Cheers, Greg.
Doing good!

I'm writing quite a bit right now. I need to have drafts to edit after I decided to take 5 months off from work to focus on it. I've got this 'it's now or not at all-feeling' about it, and I can't let the kids I work with drain every ounce of creativity I have anymore.

As usual, I'm going about it backwards. But I can always get a new job in a couple of years if (when?) this fails.
Good to see you back.

Got incredibly good feedback from my writing group for my finished-but-needs-tightening book, so it's going really well. Only writing in the evenings at the moment, editing others during the day.
Good to see you back.

Got incredibly good feedback from my writing group for my finished-but-needs-tightening book, so it's going really well. Only writing in the evenings at the moment, editing others during the day.

Well, if it's anything like your short story for Malevolence then it will be amazing :)
I'm working on various short stories, and longer material. Hoping to do something for Ian Sales' Venusian thing, also Gary's various anthologies, specifically the magic/steam one.

Also - preparing something novelish, Edwardian & steampunk that is looking very promising at the moment. I begin writing it on 21st December... :D
