What did you blog about today?

Interesting post, springs. You're blogging a lot lately! Not sure I agree (actually, I am sure - I don't agree) with needing 16.5k to live on though. Where did that figure come from? Is it a government thing? Cos they haven't a clue. Seeing as I'm in the process of buying my first house (ok, 25% of one) and I earn less than that, I'm still living. (Currently. We'll see what the doc says Monday!)
Interesting post, springs. You're blogging a lot lately! Not sure I agree (actually, I am sure - I don't agree) with needing 16.5k to live on though. Where did that figure come from? Is it a government thing? Cos they haven't a clue. Seeing as I'm in the process of buying my first house (ok, 25% of one) and I earn less than that, I'm still living. (Currently. We'll see what the doc says Monday!)

I exist on less, too, Mouse (so we'll do okay as writers, then :D)

The detail about the figures are in the linked article but that figure was calculated by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

I know, I'm between edits and mostly doing short work and blogs for a week or two. :)
Yeah, I do like knowing that I'm doing ok on less! :D

You make me feel bad about how very little writing work of any kind I'm doing.
Good post Springs. Yeah I mirror mouse on that one...20-40 hours a week!!??

I need to step up my game...or just learn how to drip caffeine into an IV system.

I do really enjoy hearing about your journey and I will make sure to remember what works and doesn't when it comes to your marketing...basically we will let you be our guinea pig :)

It is funny hey...only over a 100 pounds. My friends see my stuff getting out there and they all think there is money in it...I had 3 stories published on websites last year, and two stories into anthologies (among a bunch of microfiction sites) and I made a grand total of 100 US dollars I think. Obviously I'm not in it for the money at this point as we all need to grow and learn and make a name for ourselves.

That being said, this is the year all of your hard work will pay off. I know it.
Let's hope you're right. Lots of people seem to be telling me that. :)

I wasn't going to put the figures in because, you know, people don't, but thought it didn't have impact without them.

The 20-40 hours a week includes critting and what not, and some of the time I spend on forums (not here) to promote and do. It depends how much everyday work I have on - in June writing can be 10 hours a week, in January 40 (hence the amount coming out at the moment, work is quiet until Monday. Then I'll be quiet as a lamb. :))
Good articles, ratsy and Mouse. (And springs!)

Mouse, you have the Daily Puppy on your blog! Never seen that before, but...cute!
Thanks for putting that up, Nina. I hadn't heard of this book before, but your blog entry made it sound worthwhile*. Looked it up, and The Martian has some pretty high ratings, as well as being on Richard and Judy's reading lists. A lot of their recommendations have turned out pretty decent.

So, another one on my list to consider. I might download the preview first. Wonder if the library has a copy...

*Google Translate is helpful sometimes, if imperfect. My German language skills are rusty; it's been a while.
Oh, I did not expect this! - Well, I reviewed the translation and then found out: Oh, they are going to make this a movie! If we are lucky, we can already see it at the end of this year. But I guess the opinions are controversial. Of you don´t like SF with a lot of science involved (what is in my point of view paradox), you will not like the book. But I loved the story about this man all alone struggeling for his life and staying so sarcastic a lot!

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