What did you blog about today?

In one of my occasional link dump posts, I talked about the evils of gerrymandering (very important to me) and a couple of other related items, posted links to several cool history articles and science articles and science fiction articles, and ended with some musical selections as usual.

Linky Tunes (2017-07-31)
In cheerful news, I wrote a blog about genocide: Thaddeus the Sixth: Julius Caesar and Genocide

But it was deemed ok. Because the hundreds of thousands they murdered were savages.

Good post. Probably the way it was seen by the majority. I would think that if he claimed to to have wiped out hundreds of thousands of "hostile" members of these tribes, he would be seen as eliminating threats to Rome and therefore being a heroic general.

I recently read Caesar: Life of a Colossus by Adrian Goldsworthy, but I can't remember how much detail, if at all, he included over this particular event, or if he just glossed over it. He kind of puts Caesar on a pedestal.

I've not read that book. I think Dodge does quite a good job of admitting fault with Alexander, Hannibal and Caesar (there's a great chapter at the end of the latter biography which compares them), although he does occasionally go in for hero worship (I think he describes Hannibal as a Mars among men at one point).

But then, collectively we go in for Roman worship. If you told a Roman that tigers were becoming extinct they'd probably be pleased at the progress eliminating a deadly animal.

Caesar's a very grey character but he tends to be portrayed in a mostly positive fashion.

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