4.16: The Walking Dead - A


Somewhat surprised that Joe and Co. met such a gruesome end so quickly, and I kind of feel that the Terminus reveal was too sudden (I wouldn't reduce what was in previous episodes, but rather I think it could have done with an extra episode), but it was an enjoyable finale.

The flashbacks were an effective complement to Brutal Rick, and I expect the series five opener to be as brutal as we've ever seen. The group, for possibly the first time on our travels, is in the weaker of the two positions, and the work by the writers in the second half of this series means that we actually care about some of the characters.


I've only skimmed through the posts, but I can't see anyone theorising about Tyreese, Carol, and Li'l Asskicker. Am I the only one thinking that the baby powder boxes outside the train container suggest the three made it there before the rest of the prison group? It makes sense to me that people are herded into the container, left to weaken for a while, and then moved to one of the bigger holding areas.

So either CT&LA are at Terminus, or the boxes were there to tell us, in a very oblique way, that the Terminus group will even go as far as to barbeque babies. That said, the subtlety the writers used to reveal the riot gear, poncho, and watch to us makes me think the former is the case.
I don't think they're there. The stop over at the farmhouse would have delayed them a little and put them behind the others, I suspect. I've seen others theorising elsewhere that the powdered milk/formula is to bulk up or fatten up the cows prior to the slaughter.
Finally caught up with the last two episodes and watched them back to back. It was a really good ending to the season. Rick is one of those brilliant characters who you watch waiting for the unexpectecd to happen. And when it does, it really kicks off.

I have a gut feeling that quite a few of the mainstays in the series are going to get bumped off in the next season.
The train at the end made me think of WWII, and Jews being loaded onto them and sent to all kinds of hellish places.

Quite surprised that they weren't just killed, though. Sticking with the theme, they might be sent to a Mengele type of doctor, doing horrific experiments to try and find out more about the virus. Or, it could be some sort of cattle issue, with them being used for meat, or to tend fields as slaves.

I was also surprised (forget if it was this episode or the last) that Carl was so freaked out by what Rick did. Yes, it was gruesome, but that's the world. It also saved their lives, and Carl from a despicable fate even before that.
Only a few weeks until *you* find out. It'll be about 10 months until I do (watching them on 5*, and hopefully I won't have to use catch-up next time).
