Which books don't do it for you?

I'd have to say Sookie stackhouse series... I've "accidentally" bought an episode on the airplane and it was so overbloated with the sheer perfection of the main character... she's young and will live for centuries, all the lead male characters want to be with her... it was really a romantic abuse of the horror genre.
SoZ is Horror? I have started it three times and never finished but it never seemed like horror.


Weeeeellll... depends on what you're calling horror. If you're looking for the supernatural, or monsters of some sort, then no. If you're looking for one of the starkest stories of human horror in its wider implications... then yes, it fits. Even more so with The Sheep Look Up, which has been placed (in the Jones/Newman edited piece) as one of the 100 best books in the field.
The entire genre of fantasy. Can't stand it. I hate that science fiction and fantasy get lumped together in book shops.....and forums.
Dhalgren by Samuel Delany , Ive tried tried this one on several occasions, I just cannot get into this book.
I read Game of Thrones but it was an exhausting grind for me and I did not continue to the other books in the series. Part of that is simply that I rarely enjoy fantasy (but I keep thinking I will, so I keep trying), part of it was the book itself.

I keep hating myself for not reading everything in Asimov's Foundation series, but I just have not brought myself to finish it in its entirety despite enjoying the works I have read. I just have a hard time spending that much time on a single author these days. I feel like I have missed out on virtually everything written in the last twenty-five years because I keep on trying to finish all of the so-called 'classics.'
Reading David Brin's Uplift novel - Sundiver. Definitely struggling. The talking chimps are terrible, and I'm at page 100 and virtually nothing has happened.
Some of these series remind me of television shows that ran too long. It is really disappointing when a series starts out so stong and either goes downhill or has a terrible ending. Just like some television shows get so popular that instead of just telling the original story they stretch things out into too many seasons thus watering down the product.

Maria Snyder Study series. I really liked Poison Study but the other books didn't seem to hold up.

Greg Keyes Kingdom of Thorn and Bone series. I really enjoyed this series but the final book was really a let down.

Brandon Sanderson Mistborn. I loved book one but it got worse for me the longer the series went on.

Robert Redick Chathrand Voyage series. This started so strong. It reminded me of an adult Golden Compass but I think the series could of been done in two books.

Jennifer Fallon Tide Lords series. Book one was OK but I didn't even buy the last book of the series. The Second Sons trilogy is one of my all time favorites but this series might of just ended any future Fallon purchases.
Heather, I loved the Kingdom of Thorn and Bone series. That being said, I have probably forgotten half of it by now since I tend to do that.

Mistborn is awesome but you are right, the first book is by far the best

I also liked the first Redick book but couldn't make it past the 200th page in the second...it was a battle to make it that far...and I never give up on books.
Now that it has been mentioned Neuromancer goes in the doesn't do it list.

I keep hating myself for not reading everything in Asimov's Foundation series, but I just have not brought myself to finish it in its entirety despite enjoying the works I have read. I just have a hard time spending that much time on a single author these days. I feel like I have missed out on virtually everything written in the last twenty-five years because I keep on trying to finish all of the so-called 'classics.'

I know the feeling. I'm almost within a decade of the start of this century. :)
I could never get my head round The Yellow Pages.
For a start, there is not much of a storyline, however there are lots of pretty pictures but most of all I was very disappointed with the ending when I found out the Zoologist did it.
Also the dictionary kinda ended like The Sopranos. "Zyxt", what's all that about?

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