Magic - Update

I'm about 750 words into a story that I want to sub for this. No matter how hard I try, I have to make a dark story!

Perp, you can do it!
Thanks Thad. In my case I did not have any idea for this particular anthology and just started writing to see what would happen. The result was a load of.... something, but it gave me a basis from which something might be built.

And thanks ratsy...
like perp i have written something for each of gary's anthologies, but this one was the one i struggled the most with. managed to get something in but not really my genre
Apologies Gary, the story I had in mind for this has mutated into something for one of my books, so I will not be making a submission.
I got a whole new beginning to the one I was (and obviously still am) working on before. I think it would fit this genre better dont you?
Can un-back-burner it after next weekend. *makes mental note to find the scribbles that the new beginning currently consists of*
