The Haggard novel about the Viking might have been The Wanderer's Necklace -- ? The one with a Scandinavian theme that I've read is Eric Brighteyes, which Tolkien liked.
I'll probably revisit that trilogy, which I read ten years or so ago. There are other Quatermain books. A guide to Haggard's fiction that I have often referred to is here:
I've read quite a few of them by now....In that list, I've read, I suppose, nos. 4-7, 11, 12, 14-23 (not sure about #21 though), 33, 43, 46, 48, 49, 51-53, 56, 59, 60, 62, 65. But Haggard thought his best work was written during the decade that included King Solomon's Mines, She, Eric Brighteyes, Montezuma's Daughter, etc. Most of the Quatermain books seem to be entertaining, but I have bogged down with the last two I haven't read (Allan and the Ice Gods and The Ancient Allan). A recent effort with Pearl Maiden wasn't sustained. I may have come about to the point of not reading any more HRH for the first time, though there are a few I expect to read again.
Queen Sheba's Ring by Haggard. The edtion of the book I have printed 1905 by DoubleDay. It's not worth anything , the cover is faded a bit , but otherwise, it's in good shape.
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